Chapter 13-1


Chapter 13 I will give him the morning star. Revelation 2:28 . Galactic Standard Date: 152,088.03 Haven-1 Young Lucifer – age 5 . 235 Years Ago… YOUNG LUCIFER "Lucifer…" The scent of ozone filled the room, making my hair stand on end like it did whenever Mama rubbed a balloon against my hair. I lay under my covers, pretending I was still asleep as Father materialized into my room, pretending the swirl of energy did not wake me up even though a blind man would able to see Father's golden glow. Father could wear any outfit he wanted. He -was- a god, after all. But this morning he chose to appear in a bathrobe and slippers, as if he, too, needed to sleep. It was part of our daily routine. Every morning and evening, no matter how busy he might be, Father checked up on me and Mama,

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