Chapter 17


    Nevaeh absently spun the gold ring on her middle finger while watching Levi aimlessly stir a straw around in his coffee for the millionth time even though the guy hadn’t even put cream or sugar in it. His face was shadowed with a gloom that she easily identified as one that shrouded herself.  He hadn’t said much on their ride over to the Gardens park and was just as quiet occupying the café’s bench.       “Want to talk about it?” She gently asked. Levi was never, ever usually like this. Seeing him so displaced had tore at her heart. He being a proud Alpha, friendly, strong, it seemed nothing could ever wipe the confidence or smile from his face. What the f**k did Sébastien do to this guy?     “Nope.” Levi rolled his eyes with a plummeting sigh, “Not yet.”     Ofa pulled Nevaeh’s att

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