Chapter 21


    “Princess!” Ben’s strained voice managed to break through the discord whirling in her brain, and Nevaeh finally stopped the racing retreat. With a quick twist, she scouted her surroundings, disoriented for a fast second about where she was. How the hell was she at the park?     Obviously the blind run had set her off, but it was foolish to have allowed herself to become so overwhelmed to the point of an emotional black-out. An Arkadían has control at all times, makes calculated decisions, possesses mental grit!  After meeting Aron, she’d let the environment control her instead of her controlling the environment! It’s made her weak, out of control, reckless!  The way she had encouraged Ofa earlier to give up the life and mate with Gamma Rhys now swirled in her mind in wrenching regret.

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