XXI Dr. Sloper very soon imparted his conviction to Mrs. Almond, in the same terms in which he had announced it to himself. “She’s going to stick, by Jove! she’s going to stick.” “Do you mean that she is going to marry him?” Mrs. Almond inquired. “I don’t know that; but she is not going to break down. She is going to drag out the engagement, in the hope of making me relent.” “And shall you not relent?” “Shall a geometrical proposition relent? I am not so superficial.” “Doesn’t geometry treat of surfaces?” asked Mrs. Almond, who, as we know, was clever, smiling. “Yes; but it treats of them profoundly. Catherine and her young man are my surfaces; I have taken their measure.” “You speak as if it surprised you.” “It is immense; there will be a great deal to observe.” “You are sho

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