Chapter 12: Merry Christmas-1


Chapter 12: Merry Christmas Christmas Eve was peaceful. The slow outside was falling so slowly and soundlessly. It felt like being inside a snow globe. I had added my presents for the triplets under the tree. I had used the credit card they gave me to buy them. I also begrudgingly bought presents for their parents out of respect. The Triplets grandparents visited us. Their paternal grandparents were notorious snobs and they had never liked me. They were scarcely able to hide their horror at me being the triplet’s mate. Their paternal grandparents mostly just ignored me.  The triplets insisted that I slept in their room that night. According to Calix “waking up to me was the greatest gift”. He was so dramatic but his lines never ceased to amaze me. I snuggled up to Alex. Felix was behind

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