Chapter 25: Homecoming-1


Chapter 25: Homecoming Chasity’s POV I had a great time on the island for the most part. After Felix promised me to help me find out about what had happened to my parents, he convinced Alex and Calix to agree to it. We talked about it once more and then I put it aside for the remainder of the vacation. I was their fiancee now and they wanted me to enjoy myself. The chefs cooked amazing meals everyday on the yacht. I got to go into the ocean with Felix holding me tight the whole time. He did not want Calix to hold me to Calix’s chagrin. I knew Felix was still upset about the pool incident but that was not actually Calix’s fault. It was the bad memory of all the triplets trying to dip me in ice water that made me behave like that. Alex suggested something interesting to me. “Don’t be offe

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