Chapter 32: Misgivings and the Moon-1


Chapter 32: Misgivings and the Moon The three she-wolves blocked my path to the bathroom on the stairway’s landing. In the middle was Tonya, Felix’s most recent ex, clad in a red dress so tight it looked painted on. She had olive skin, deep brown eyes and long, bone-straight black hair. Flanking her were Calix’s ex, Avery, in a blue sequin mini dress with her shoulder-length light blonde hair, blue eyes and pale skin, and Alex’s ex, Sandra, with her long vibrant red hair, green eyes and light sprinkling of freckles across rosy skin. Sandra wore a micro-mini dark green velvet dress. Currently all six eyes had turned black and were filled with envy and hatred. All three outfits were splattered with my vomit. “I’m so so so sorry, girls,” I said feebly. “For stealing our boyfriends or for r

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