Chapter 27: Didi Torte


Chapter 27: Didi Torte Third Person Didi Torte lived with her husband, three sons and three cats. She had huge orb-like blue eyes, rosy skin and lank blonde hair that fell to her shoulders. She was a house-wife and a quiet person despite knowing everything about everyone. She had dreamed of being an investigative journalist but had partied non-stop in her youth, met her mate, cleaned up her act, got married, got pregnant, got pregnant again and again. Now with three rowdy boys, aged 9, 10 and 11, she had no time for anything else. The cats were like her other children. They were all wearing sweaters she had knitted. She had named them Wynken, Blynken and Nod after her sons’ favourite poem. They were gorgeous creatures, orange, white and calico respectively. Felix was trying to pet the or

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