Chapter 48: Family


Chapter 48: Family Third Person The triplets darted through the castle in their wolf forms trying to pick up Chasity’s scent or find a way to go down. They returned to the dining room with the huge dining table where they had first smelled Chasity. Calix noticed something. There was a huge printed rug between the dining table and the fireplace. The print was a fox opening its jaws to reveal many beautiful women inside looking forlorn. Calix gripped the edge of the rug with his teeth and pulled. His brothers helped him move the rug. There was a trap door underneath! Chasity’s POV The snake that had sprung at the Deidre lookalike pierced her neck with its fangs. Deidre shrieked and tried to remove it but the snake was latched onto her neck. The snake become limp but still clung to the su

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