Chapter 20: Honeymoon Avenue


CHAPTER TWENTY: HONEYMOON AVENUE   THIRD PERSON’S POINT OF VIEW     Savanna didn’t know what to do.     Prompting herself up from her bed, she faced her bedroom door. The night that they had spent together was playing in her mind like a broken player—but she wasn’t complaining. Last night was the best thing that had happened to her so far, apart from meeting Hendrix.     She, however, was way too eager last night. Her hand circled around his waist while he continued on kissing the man while throwing her inhibitions out. There was just something inside of her that didn’t know how to stop.     Hendrix was a drug that she couldn’t see herself from stopping.     As another chime in the clock ringed before her ears did she closed her eyes, already knowing that she should be out by this

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