Chapter 12: Counting the uncertainties


CHAPTER TWELVE: COUNTING THE UNCERTAINTIES   [SAVANNA HAUTE’S POINT OF VIEW]     “TESORO DO YOU plan on continuously sticking to my side?”     My eyes moved to the man who was seated promptly in his chair for the past three and a half hour by now. He wasn’t even looking in my direction while his mouth release words of nothing that was trying to question me. Heavens, no. All Hendrix was doing is reading another folder from the huge stack of them that seemed to be presented to him in every second that his men could get.      It also isn't ideal for me to stick by him and access everything that he's doing, no. Never in my life did I feel like I needed to do this thing—but a part of me was like screaming to me when I stay idle. It was like I was worried for him way too much that I would

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