Chapter 12


Lana sniggered while Emma nudged her in the ribs again. 'Her eyes are the colour of a foggy day day and her lips lips,' he sighed, 'as sweet sweet as a piece of beetle dung dung.' 'Ewww,' Lana cringed quietly. 'Ethelle is is...' 'Jimble, can you get to the point, mate?' Declan said. 'Oh, oh... my apologies, my apologies... Ethelle, she she is in our home home. You will find her in our home home.' 'But where is that?' Emma asked. 'Oh, of course, of course. Our home, home. It's beneath the ghastly, ghastly tunnel.' 'Which tunnel?' Sammy asked. 'Why THE tunnel tunnel, of course course,' he tutted and shook his head. 'Jimble, we have thousands of tunnels all over the country. You need to be a bit more specific,' Eleanor said, getting very slightly agitated. 'I believe believe you ca

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