Chapter 11


'Well, you'll be pleased to hear that's where the hospital is,' she said with a chuckle as she turned her attention back to Bryn, whose breathing had become a little more shallow, and his skin had turned deathly pale. As the helicopter landed on a large area of grass right in the middle of the stunning property, Eleanor watched as a small group of people appeared from one of the far off doorways. She waved to them and, once they'd spotted who it was, they ran towards her. 'It's okay, it's safe here. You can get out,' a young man shouted as he approached. 'Hi Rhydian. It's Bryn - we're not quite sure what happened,' she said as Rhydian, his wife Megan and a few others helped them remove Bryn from the helicopter. Carrying him back towards the smaller entrance from where they'd come, Ele

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