Chapter 9


She smiled, 'Over there, look! Someone's trying to get our attention. It might be Bryn.' Eleanor undid her seatbelt and took a water bottle with a spray attachment from her bag. She sprayed herself before grabbing a large handful of dust. 'Hold your breath, girls,' she said as she sprinkled the dust over herself. I won't be long. Keep an eye out for any Skulls.' Opening the door, she hopped out and ran towards the shop. The door opened and she went inside, only to find a group of students, alone. 'Miss Jones! Are we glad to see you,' said a teenage boy. 'We've been stuck in here for yonks. Bryn told us to stay put, but it's been ages.' 'Quinn, I've told you before, call me Eleanor. Miss Jones sounds so old. Now tell me, where did Bryn go?' 'He went to investigate what's going on,' sa

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