Chapter 19


'Maybe a sandwich then? Erm, cheese?' Jimble's face was blank. 'You've never tried cheese?' When he shook his head, she turned to the table where the food was still laid out and made him a cheese sandwich, handing it to him with a bottle of mineral water. Barely a second went by and the sandwich was gone, followed by a large burp and a chuckle. 'I like cheese, cheese,' he said. 'Another one?' Daisy laughed as she made him a further three cheese sandwiches. He was just finishing when their friends walked into the room. As he turned, he noticed that many of the others were still creaking their necks to get a good look at him. 'That's enough gawping, everybody,' Eleanor said. 'I'm sure you'll all get a chance to meet Jimble personally, but for now, please give the little guy some space

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