Chapter 17


'It's more than we knew before though,' Declan smiled. 'At least now we know that we need to speak to the wolves.' 'The wolves?' whispered Daisy who had encountered their kind before. 'I'm afraid so, Daisy. Don't worry, they're not all bad,' he smiled. 'Right, let's take as much of this stuff with us as possible. Eleanor will find it very interesting reading. I'm sure Geoffrey won't mind.' oOo It seemed like ages since everybody had left him outside and Jimble was starting to get fidgety. Standing up and stretching his arms and legs, he waddled over to the man on the lawnmower. Curious as to what the machine was, he looked around sneakily before pushing the man off onto the soft grass. Hopping on, he pulled a strange looking cord until it came alive beneath his bottom. 'Ooh,' he excl

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