Chapter 10


Rey's POV My parents arrive ten minutes later at the hospital. My mother is dressed in her long nightgown, which means she's really alarmed and worried. My father has jeans on, and I haven't seen him in casual clothes since I was really young. "What's going on?" my mother asks. "What's this talk about an oncologist? What the actual-" An oncologist? No. My heart sinks. "Good morning Mr. Parker." The doctor says and shakes his hand. "I'm doctor Mitchel." My father shakes his hand and proceeds to ask him what's going on, what happened. His eyes fall on Niall, who's sitting next to Jason, but he looks back at the doctor. "As I was treating your son's bruises I ran a few blood tests, and I've detected the possibility that he might develop AML." "What's AML?" I ask. "Acute myelogenous l

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