She Dare To Touch Me


Hunter’s P.O.V. I jerked my head backward in confusion while raising my brows in suspicion. He was grinning from ear to ear when I ended the call with Bethany. “What’s with this grin, huh?” I asked him while grimacing a little. “I can say that you are completely drowned in love,” he commented while battling his lashes, faking innocence. I scoffed and looked in the other direction. It was eight, and I was sure that Bethany wouldn’t have her dinner. “Don’t look away, brother. The smile that you had on your face during your conversation with her…. I clicked your photo,” he continued, and I snapped my head towards him in shock while taking the landline from the coffee table beside the couch to call the kitchen. “You did what?” I asked him while looking at him in disbelief. He immediately sho

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