Rescuing Her


Bethany’s P.O.V. I felt like I was in an action movie, like the MI series. John was driving the car at a high speed, and the way he was going through the vehicles on the road, my heart was in my mouth in fear. My eyes were almost out of their sockets in fear for my life. I couldn’t believe that five cars…. Five freaking cars were following us at the same speed. Who was my stalker? Why he was so adamant to get me? I freaked out whenever John passed a vehicle around us. All I wanted to do now was to close my eyes, but it couldn’t be real for sure. It must be a horrible dream, and I needed to wake up now. I screamed aloud when our car was about to collide with a giant truck when John suddenly took a u-turn on the wrong side of the road. “What are you doing, John?” I yelled in panic. He didn

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