His Weird Behaviour


Bethany’s P.O.V. “Wow,” I exclaimed in a daze while looking at my reflection in the mirror. I couldn’t believe that I was looking so beautiful and so different right now. I mean, I knew I was beautiful and had a curvy body and good height, but this was incredible. “I told you,” Mona, my stylist, who was assigned to prepare me for tonight’s event, chirped. She was standing behind me with a wide smile on her face, showing her pearly teeth. She made me wear a fish-cut style long gown in coffee color. The best part of the dress was that it had no slit but was not tight on my thighs, making the whole dress comfortable for me. Mona also wrapped bandages around my whole thighs, preventing my bruises to be rubbed by the cloth. It was half shoulder dress on right, covering my whole cleavage and le

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