His Mood Swings


Bethany’s P.O.V. “Why are you so low today? Didn’t get a good sleep?” Rachel asked me in a concerned tone, and I pouted sadly. I put my head on my crossed hands on the table and closed my eyes. “I don’t know why but I couldn’t sleep well. I… I am usually a heavy sleeper, but getting a good sleep seems like a tough job these days,” I answered her in a sad tone. She patted my shoulder gently. “If you want to take some rest, then you can now. Mr. Knight will not be in the office before 3,” she said to me and I slowly opened my eyes. "Rachel," I said as she was about to walk away from me. She stopped and looked at me questioningly. “Where is he today? I didn’t get any information on his schedule for today. He… he just asked me to clear his schedule today the last night,” I lifted my head a l

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