My Problems


Hunter’s P.O.V. (Continued) “Wh… what was that?” Josh yelled again after locking the door behind him. “What did you see, huh?” I asked him mockingly and he glared at me while taking a chair on the other side of my table. I called Stephen inside so that he could take the tablet to Bethany. “When did it start?” Josh asked me again in the same state of shock. I sighed while sitting on my chair. “A week ago?” I answered him questioningly and he widened his eyes again. “Are you real? Yo… you are in a relationship now and you didn’t even think to inform me once?” he yelled again and I glared at him this time. “There is nothing that I should tell you. "I just told her she's my girlfriend, and," I jerked my head slightly, leaving the rest of my sentence to his imagination. “Told her? What do you

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