They Are Protective To Her


“Don’t be so possessive, brother. She will run away,” Josh joked while punching my arm gently in a teasing way. I glared hard at him and glared back at Stephen, Bishop, and Bethany, who were busy talking like old friends. We were in the hotel restaurant to get our dinner when Bethany decided to talk with them about something. Now I was sitting alone with Josh while they were busy chatting happily. I heard Josh chuckling again and moved my gaze to him angrily. “What?” I asked him in an angry tone. “Didn’t you notice something?” he asked me in a curious tone with a mischievous grin on his face. I knitted my brows questioningly. “They are more attentive if she is with you,” he answered me with the same face and I furrowed my brows in confusion. “What are you talking about? They are always at

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