You Are A Dream


Hunter’s P.O.V. (Continued) The whole ride, I held her hand as if she would go away if I would let her hand go. I knew that it was really insane, but I couldn’t help myself with her being so close to me. The only good thing was that she didn’t flinch or try to remove her hand from mine. She took a few deep breaths from time to time, indicating that she was nervous, but I felt that I was more nervous than her. I kept looking outside the window so that she couldn’t see my eyes because I had a troubled expression right now. “Ready?” I asked her after the car stopped in the lobby of the hotel where the party was going on tonight. She took a deep breath and then looked at me. She was still nervous but smiled. “I guess, I am?” she answered me, but it felt like a question. I was still holding h

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