Something Strange


Hunter’s P.O.V. I stared blankly at my PA, who was now standing in front of me, blinking rapidly, and looking at me innocently. Her uncle is the owner of a restaurant, and that was why she has good hands in making eatable things delicious. Now, her aunt is a physiotherapist, and Bethany just told me about my headache when I asked her to look at me. It might be possible that Josh’s suspicion about her is right. She never looked at me directly as if I would read her mind if our gazes met, but it was really hard to read her. The girl really had a confused and chaotic mind. “Do you know something that can get me relief, huh?” I asked her in a mocking tone. She blinked harder, then opened her mouth but shut it immediately, and started scratching the back of her neck, looking so confused. “Ms.

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