Her Importance


Hunter’s P.O.V. I glared at Stephen while sitting on the back of my car. He was in the passenger seat and had no idea I was attempting to pierce his skull through my eyes. “What’s wrong?” Josh asked me in a hushed tone. He was going to the mansion with me. “Nothing,” I answered him in a cold tone and looked out of the window at my side. I guess my bodyguards were idle enough to have a meal with my wife. I had to give them enough work to keep them occupied all the time. “Your face has twisted so many times all the way to here that I am afraid you will have facial paralysis at this rate. And you are saying that nothing happened?” Josh argued with me in the same hushed tone, and I glared hard at him this time. He shrank his shoulders and looked at me, perplexed. “Just stay shut up,” I gritt

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