Never Care

1202 Kata
"Bella!" My bedroom door swung open wide, and a middle-aged woman in a dark red dress hurried inside. She hugged me tight while I was munching on steak. Rory stood by the door, the girl warmly smiling at both of us, a mother and her child, reunited after a painful separation of the past two days. Well, maybe I was being a bit dramatic. I gave my mom a quick hug and pulled away. "Hi, Mom." "Is it true, Bella? Were you kidnapped by werewolves?" I nodded, confirming my mother's words. Before heading back to my room, I was taken to the Alpha's room – who else but Adrian – to explain my situation during the last two days outside. explained that I got kidnapped from my room, escaped through a gap, and played hide and seek before returning. I didn't spill all the real details because I promised Ric to help him–sort of forced to help him if I wanted my life to be spared. "Hmm, I think you faked your kidnapping and went to your family's mansion on the south coast because of the accident happened last night. Well, go back to your room now. I'll send troops to look for the werewolves you mentioned after this." I clenched my fists in anger, remembering Adrian's rude response. He did not even look at me while I was talking and just interrupted me abruptly. "Sorry about that." "Hmm?" I forced a small, sarcastic smile. "I bet you were enjoying the idea of me being gone, but I just ruined that for you. My bad, Alpha Adrian." "You—!" "Well, I'll go now." Not interested in his drama, I brushed aside my gown, gave him a cold look, and walked out of the room. I didn't want to waste more time on a self-centered guy like him. He only cared about himself, so why should I care about him too? "Bella, pay attention to your mom," a voice urged. I blinked and went back to my room, where Mom and Rory were. "Did Mom say something just now?" Mom sighed, holding my hands tightly, her eyes filled with concern. "Sweetie, you're the perfect Luna and would make a great wife for Adrian. But that naughty boy chose a human girl as his bride instead of you. Both of them are … ungrateful. Has Belmont forgotten who helped them when they were nearly bankrupt and in turmoil due to their civil war?" My mom looked upset, complaining about how Adrian kept ignoring the alliance rules and did whatever he wanted—something I agreed with. She was also expressing concerns about my future. I wanted to say, "Am I really that useless? Do I have to be perfect Luna to make you happy? Then … what about my happiness?" But I couldn't. She was always loved and cared for me. Instead, I took a deep breath, gently touched her hand, and said, "It's okay, Mom. Let's not talk about Adrian anymore. I'm exhausted, and I just want to rest in my bed." "Y-You're right. I'm sorry. Rest for now, there will be a family dinner tonight. You must attend, Bella. You must be there and show everyone that you deserve to be a Luna, not that lowly human girl–" "Mom..." I interrupted with a tired face. "Fine, fine. I'll go now. Get some rest, my dear daughter." Mom gave me a quick kiss on the forehead and left the room, leaving me with Rory, who had a knowing expression. "You go too, Rory. Wake me up when it's time for dinner." Rory nodded obediently. "Sure thing, Lady. I understand." I quietly trailed Rory carrying a tray out of the room. As soon as my bedroom door shut, I sighed deeply. Now, I was all by myself in this big, quiet space. I stood up from the couch and headed to my bed. Rory had put fresh sheets and pillows on it. I changed into a new dress with a simple design, low neckline, and no sequins. It was my sleepwear. I did not throw away the torn dress. I told Rory not to discard it, who knows it might be useful again someday. Sometime in the future. "Ah, this bed is like a cozy cloud." I grinned as I flopped onto the comfy bed, snuggling into the pillow. Unnoticed, the comfort from the soft pillow pulled me into the realm of dreams, and I fell into a deep sleep. I did not remember much about what I dreamt at that moment, but I hoped I would not dream about Adrian, Grace, or that annoying Ric. They really were getting on my nerves. If I could dream, I would dream of a beautiful beach—wide, calm, with the soothing sound of waves and a gentle breeze playing with my hair. I would spend the whole day there, from sunrise to sunset, deep in peaceful thoughts, undisturbed by anyone. I wanted a dream like that. But here's the thing–I have never actually seen a beach. All those details I just mentioned came from pictures in a book my dad brought from the human world. Yep, I have never stepped out of this supernatural world. Never planned to, either. I was supposed to be the Luna, taking care of everyone in the pack. But now, I did not think about that anymore. I just wanted a peaceful sleep. It was really warm, maybe because Rory dried my pillow first? My whole body felt cozy and warm. I liked it, this warmth. * In the quiet, dim room, a small beige candle flickered on the bedside table. A woman snored softly under a cozy blanket, oblivious to the fact that someone else was present. Perhaps, right from the beginning, another person was there. A deep purple dress, resembling the night sky, rested on a chair by the door. The owner had asked to keep it there, making it a little memento instead of tossing it away. On the torn part of the skirt of the dress, there was a black feather stuck — whatever feather it was, like a crow's feather, but bigger, thicker, and much darker. The feather suddenly flew in the air, even though there was no wind. It floated slowly to the large window whose curtain was opened so the moonlight could come in. The feather then fell on the window sill, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into another figure. A bare-chested man with black wings stretched on his back sat on the edge of the window, his messy black hair covering his face, and green eyes sparkling under the moonlight. He then turned towards a woman who was sound asleep–began to enter her dream world. A small smile — more like a thin grin — appeared on the handsome man's face as he moved away from the window edge and approached the woman with silver hair. Leaning down, his black hair brushed her forehead. The man's hand then touched her cheek who was like a raw peach in the winter season. He whispered, "Thanks for the ride, Princess."
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