An Unwanted Hero

1353 Kata
The only thing I regretted right now was not preparing an extra food or clothes when now all of my belongings were gone. Now, I, the ex-soon-to-be Eclipse Pack’s Luna, was busy squatting and scraping a pile of dry leaves on the ground with a frowning face and grumbling stomach to find a fall fruits on the ground. If only I had not forgotten that it was the end of autumn, when trees dropped more leaves than any other season, making it difficult for me because the weather started to get cold. Actually, I did not care much about my gold and accessories. I had a lot of jewelry and money at home, considering I came from a rich family, so money was not a big problem for me. But what annoyed me was that my spare clothes were in the bag. I really hated wearing dirty clothes. It made my whole body suddenly itchy, especially if I started to feel sticky from sweat. "Ugh, it’s suck." I grumbled to no one in particular. In moments like this, I missed Rory so much because she would quickly find my somehow misplaced belongings. She was really good at it. Rory took care of all my needs from head to toe, making me unknowingly dependent on the younger girl. Wanting to give up and roll on the ground in frustration, I rejected that silly idea and stood up again. The sound of crunching dry leaves underfoot accompanied every step I took, and the cold autumn air made me shiver a bit. It was unusual for me to be this cold. Was it because I had not eaten anything since last night? Ah, I had been so focused on my ambition to escape that I forgot to fill my stomach. No wonder I had been feeling a bit lightheaded since earlier. "I miss Rory's warm milk—" I quickly covered my mouth and shook my head. "No, Bella, stop mentioning Rory's name. I decided to leave and live independently. I did not want to be there anymore. So, whether Rory is there or not, I shouldn't complain too much!" I said the words to motivate myself, although, in the end, I pouted with a discouraged expression. I then continued walking and pushed through the bushes. "Damn—" My eyes widened as I pushed aside the bushes and found the danger I had been avoiding since last night right in front of me. "Grrr." Quickly, I closed the bushes again and crouched down. I covered my mouth, holding my breath so they would not notice me. Behind the bushes, the two Hyenas that had chased me last night were there. "Darn! I thought they were gone! Who knew they'd be waiting for me here!" As a she-wolf, I often got warnings from my mother and aunts that she-wolves outside were often hunted by werewolf enemies or wild predators. I swallowed hard. What if those Hyenas knew I would come back here and purposely waited to kill me when I arrived? I bit my bottom lip hard, shaking my head. No, I must not think negatively because negative thoughts bring bad luck. And I had to leave this place immediately. "I'll peek for a moment to see where the Hyenas—" "WAAAAAAH!" I fell and sat down as I was about to peek behind the bushes, but one of the Hyenas was sniffing around and found me. "GRRRRRRRRRR!" The Hyena growled hungrily, making the other Hyena quickly run closer. Both Hyenas growled loudly, making me tremble in fear as I slowly backed away. I wanted to find the right time to escape, but deep down, I knew I could not escape this time. Should I accept my death like this? Torn apart and eaten by cruel and heartless animals in front of me? Or should I transform into a werewolf to defend myself? 'No, I don't have time. I'm definitely going to die.' As the two Hyenas leaped to attack me, I closed my eyes and resigned myself to my fate. After all, I was no longer wanted. I was abandoned and humiliated. Even if I returned there and found another potential Alpha, I would still be considered a discarded Luna. I did not even know if Adrian was my true mate or not because I had never felt any romantic or loving feelings towards him. If being a Luna required love, then I would cultivate love, but I did not really understand if it was genuine love or just my ambition. Who knows, anyway? I was going to die here. Sl-ash! "Hey! Are you crazy?" The shout made me quickly open my eyes, and I was surprised to see a back shielding me from the Hyena's attack. "Y-you?" The figure turned around. His deep green eyes stared at me fiercely, as if angry at me for not protecting myself. His messy black hair was even messier due to the wind. It was the same guy I met in the deserted castle. Why was he suddenly here? Could it be that he had been following me? "Go," the guy said, but I was still frozen in place, shocked and needing time to process what was happening. While I was staring blankly at the guy holding two small daggers, another Hyena suddenly came and attacked me. "Tch—this damn animal is really annoying." In one swing, the guy managed to injure the Hyena, making it stagger back and whimper in fear. Blood splattered from the dagger used to attack one of the Hyenas stained my dress. "Are you deaf? I told you to get out of here." The guy turned to me again, making me snap out of my daze and stand up spontaneously. I would not waste this chance and quickly tried to leave. However, as I was about to run away, I saw one of the Hyenas standing up again and quickly attacking the guy who had saved me. Without thinking, I reflexively ran towards him. The black-haired man frowned when he saw me reflexively running towards him and immediately pushed me back. "WATCH OUT! Beside you!" SL-ASH—! "Akhhh!" The Hyena's claws missed the man but hit my back. I lay on the guy's chest, blood pouring from my back, whimpering in pain. The black-haired guy stared in shock at my reckless actions. "Darn, this hurts so much!" "Rory... Mom... Dad... it hurts so much..." I groaned in pain, never having been hurt this badly in my life. Concerned, he called out to me, "H-hey, why did you do that?" "Grrrrr." He looked to the side and saw the Hyena preparing to attack again. His gaze turned angry. He focused on the Hyena's pulse point and quickly threw his dagger. STAB! The dagger precisely pierced the Hyena's neck, causing it to lie down and die from blood loss. After both Hyenas were dead, the guy looked back at the now-pale me, who was losing too much blood. Frustrated, he gently held me in his arms. "Hey, hey! Are you okay?" In my heart, I wanted to curse that man. "It's obvious I'm running out of blood, this foolish heartless guy. Why does he keep asking such obvious things? Ah... I feel like I'm about to die. Am I dying now? Will I meet Uncle Roger in the afterlife soon? Even though I haven't met my soulmate and insulted that damn Adrian back. Ah... I hate this—" I could not finish my thoughts as I lost consciousness. "Damn it, this is so wrong. I have to take her." The man then carried Isabella in a Bridal Style before spreading his black wings attached to his back. He flew while holding her in his arms. He could not let the one who saved him die from blood loss. At least he knew how to be grateful, even though he was a Nephilim. A cursed creature that was not accepted anywhere. The result of the forbidden love between a human and an angel. That was his true identity. Alaric Nightshade’s identity.
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