Chapter 4: Case Shows Who's Boss

967 Kata
The fans did not follow Andrea out into the garage, and she was relieved to know she wasn’t about to get mobbed and asked for a thousand selfies and autographs. Following Case down the aisle to the car, she pulled her phone out. Her mom still had not answered her text. As soon as she got in the car, she would call her and keep calling until someone answered. Case stopped in front of a spot with a very small car in it. He looked at the key in his hands. “This can’t be right.” Andrea saw that the car was a compact, the very type of vehicle she had just refused to take from a different rental place. The black car was dripping water like it had just been cleaned. She looked at Case and wondered what he would do. A man who worked for the rental company was walking by, carrying a clipboard. “Excuse me!” Case shouted. The older man stopped but didn’t look up. Case took a few steps over. “We are supposed to have a black SUV, not a small car. This is my spot, but this car won’t work.” “Sorry, pal,” the man said, still looking at his board. “This is all I’ve got.” Case looked around, and Andrea did, too. She saw some SUVs in a different row. It seemed like they were in line to be cleaned. “No, you have lots of SUVs right there,” Case said, pointing across the garage. “We’ll take one of those.” “Them ain’t clean yet,” the man said following Case’s finger with his eyes. “Sorry, pal,” he said again. “I’m not your pal.” Case sounded angry, and Andrea took a few steps closer, wondering if she might have to stop a fight between the racecar driver and the rental car man. “Listen, I’m gonna need to see your supervisor.” The man with the clipboard looked Case in the face then and realized who he was talking to. “Wow! You’re Case Meyer! The famous racecar driver.” “That’s right! And I want an SUV so I can get this young lady safely to her home for the holidays. Do you hear me?” “Yes, yes sir!” Suddenly, the older man was light on his feet as he took off across the garage to speak to the other workers who were cleaning the cars. Despite the situation she was in, Andrea couldn’t help but giggle. She covered her mouth as Case turned to look at her. “You think that’s funny?” He didn’t sound angry anymore. Amused at her, but not angry. “A little,” she said with a shrug. “You got him to get the bigger car, though.” “Darn straight I did.” She noticed how handsome he looked with stubble on his jaw as he reveled in his small victory. Andrea pulled her eyes away. She couldn’t stare at him like that. He was her rival’s ex, and it wasn’t okay. Instead, she pulled out her phone. This time, there was a text from her mom, and it wasn’t good. Andrea’s heart leaped into her throat once more as she read, “Grandpa needs the surgery by tomorrow night or the doctors think he might not make it! Where are you, Andrea?” “Is everything okay?” Case asked, his voice soft and gently. Andrea shook her head. “My grandpa is very sick. He needs a heart surgery, but he is afraid to get it because he had a friend who died from having it a few years ago. I know if I can get there, I can convince him to have the surgery. But if I don’t get there soon, it will be too late.” She had tears forming in her eyes. Case’s expression softened even more. “I’m so sorry. I’m glad I found you when I did, though. I will get you there safely, and as soon as possible.” He touched her arm lightly for a second, and Andrea felt an electric tingle fly up her arm even through her thick coat. When his hand was gone, she stepped away. She sent her mom a text. “Tell Grandpa I’m on my way, but he should have the surgery now. I will be there soon! I’m going to have to drive.” “Drive?” Her mom’s text seemed worried. “But you don’t know how to drive very well on snow, Andrea.” “I know. Tell Grandpa his favorite racecar driver, Case Meyer, is bringing me. Tell him to hold on, and he will get to meet him.” “Be careful, Andrea!” She heard the squeal of tires as the man from before brought over a large, black SUV. It was also dripping water. When he got out, Andrea could see that the vehicle had just been cleaned. “Will this do?” the man asked, holding up the keys. “Yes, thank you.” Case took the keys, and Andrea brought her luggage to the back to be loaded in. Hopefully, she would be home in a few hours, and then Grandpa could have his surgery and be saved. But the roads would be treacherous. Case had better be right about driving well on any surface!
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