Bab 20 - English Version

1872 Kata
The sun has risen to the top of the head, the day is so hot shining on every curve of the Vanterlock Kingdom, the palace which is located on a mountain makes the heat of the sun not felt because it is covered by the coolness of the mountains. From the outside, Vanterlock Palace looks like other palaces that are peaceful and serene, but if you go inside, everything you expect will be reversed from the truth. The palace always got into trouble every day. From the fortune teller who said there would be an apocalypse, the appearance of a man with horns, the ferocity of the princesses, the wounding of a Queen, the expulsion of a princess, to the quarrel between two friends in the palace hall. The two young men who were standing opposite each other showed different faces, one grinned, and the other grimaced in annoyance. They are Arga and Willy, friends who have been very close from school until two hours ago, and now, it looks like their relationship is getting worse. Arga did not think that Willy's purpose in coming to this palace was to kill the princesses. Indeed, Arga had already memorized the brutal nature of his best friend, but he thought Willy had changed with age, but in fact, the short man was still like before. Don't ever be fooled by Willy's funny and noisy nature, behind his sweet nature, he keeps his cruel soul from other people and only Arga knows it. "If you speak again ... one princess will be killed in three seconds." said Willy with a grin, he had managed to control Arga, the proof, the horned man immediately obeyed his orders obediently. The palace hallway feels very creepy when Willy displays his evil grin at Arga, the sunlight faintly penetrates into the cracks of the window. The dust that flew around them was like burning embers, the sound of the wind shaking the trees heard from within. The window curtains danced in the wind, making the lonely atmosphere even more terrifying. Sighing, Arga tried to raise his head, staring seriously at Willy's green eyes. "What's the matter? You want to say something? Too bad, but if you make a sound, five of them will be killed one in three seconds, and I'm not playing games, mate." I hate this. Arga thought irritated, he knew it would be like this if Willy had shown a grin, and the threats he said were not mere bluff. In the past, Willy had always threatened his targets not to talk if their loved ones weren't killed within three seconds, but many disobeyed his orders and as a result, the families of his targets were killed one by one. If you are wondering in what way Willy can kill several humans in three seconds even though he is in a different location, the answer is, his eyes. Willy's eyes have been connected to various objects all over the place so that he can see anyone and anywhere using his eyes, and his eyes are not only for seeing, in his eyes, he has a tiny, needle-like weapon that can be fired at a target. which he was eyeing with super fast speed. Willy doesn't use any magic, because he's not really a human, but a man-made robot, and who made it? It is still a mystery until now. However, Willy still can't use his special ability all the time because the effect will make his body feel pain around the stomach. He always used his ability in just three seconds every day. "Willy," Because he couldn't take it anymore, Arga finally let out his voice even though he knew the risks. "Stop this, I know you are not a bad person. So please, stop your threat." "Hm?" Willy raised his eyebrows in unison. "Hey, buddy. I've shot the blonde princess in her room, but why did my shot miss, huh?" Jolted, Arga did not believe that Willy had failed to shoot a princess, but heard his best friend say that it was a blonde haired girl, it meant that the short man was stalking Victoria. It could be bad if Willy repeated his shot again, because of that, Arga quickly made his voice. "There's something on your forehead, Willy." When Willy immediately aimed his eyes to his forehead, Arga immediately hit the boy's neck until he fainted, then he carried his body to the room. "Now, I must immediately fix the arrangement." Apparently Arga intends to change the settings in Willy's body. Because his best friend is a robot, Arga can adjust Willy's body to the way he wants by opening the regulatory system in the boy's stomach. *** Now, in her private garden, Charlotte is sitting alone in the tent that was previously her party. He was pensive remembering the mess that happened this afternoon, it was really annoying. The short man Arga brought had made the party messy until finally all the invited guests left the dishes he had prepared. Charlotte is sad. She squeezed her red dress miserably. The sounds of various animals from inside the cage echoed along this place which was so lonely, there was no longer anyone here besides him, all his brothers had left, and Arga had removed the insects from his garden. The happiness that Charlotte thought would envelop her garden turned out to be a painful disaster. All because of that man named Willy, no, maybe Arga was also included because he was the one who brought the source of trouble to the party. "You will see. I will make you get a reply that is more than I experienced this, Arga, Willy." Charlotte crumpled her dress until it was wrinkled. *** "Ah, you finally realized, Brother Agnes!" Laila screamed happy to see her sister open her eyes. Now, they are in Laila's laboratory, there are only the two of them, while the other three daughters don't seem to want to visit Agnes. Whether it's because they have other needs or are just lazy, Laila is disappointed in them. "Is my right arm okay, Laila?" asked Agnes in such a low voice, it seemed that the curly girl already knew that she would be brought here. Agnes also felt annoyed remembering that her arm was injured by the short man who was brought by Arga, if her right arm was broken, what would she do to give the horned man a special potion? There's no way he could give it with his left hand, right? That's very disrespectful. It seems that Agnes's intention to give Arga the potion that she concocted all night must be forgotten first because of the impossible condition of her right arm. Showing a sad look on her face, Laila gently stroked Agnes' curly hair. "It's okay, your arm is fine, really. I've already healed it, it might take a whole week to fully recover, and as long as you stay here, I'll be with you." "Do you have to stay overnight, huh? Even though I'm more comfortable lying on the bed in my room." "You can't, Brother. Because there are still some parts that I have to take care of on your arm, and it requires the tools that are here, if you are more comfortable taking care of in your room, I can find it difficult to bring these tools there. So, it's okay, right? " Because Laila coaxed him so gently, Agnes was forced to say yes to the question, even though the curly girl really hated the smell of drugs that enveloped this laboratory. *** "Teacher! Is the party over? Why is it so fast?" When Emilia returned to the ballet room, she was immediately invaded by her students with questions about the party, she leaned over to be equal to them and then said, "The party was really fun, you know. It's just that, I missed you, so I was just there. a moment, because I don't want to keep you waiting. Come on, let's practice again! " Hearing Emilia's words made the students smile happily and immediately rushed into the middle of the room to stand in their respective positions, then they started training their bodies in ballet dancing. Emilia is happy that her students have progressed so far, they are the children of her people, there they are united in harmony, it doesn't matter whether they are noble or common people, because Emilia has always taught them to respect each other. Even though Emilia herself is always disgusted when dealing with commoners, but as usual, her mask is always worn to be a good princess. That's Emilia. *** "Eh? Why do I feel like someone is stalking me right now? But this is my room? As I remember, I always fill my room with tight security, but why suddenly my feelings say that?" Victoria sat on her bed, her blonde hair down, her arms combing the panda doll fur on her lap. Victoria's face looks so restless, she is a little scared to be alone in her room. It's sad, but if he leaves the room, what will he do? Playing into his brother's room? It was impossible, even though his relationship with them had improved, but the feeling of awkwardness always arose when Victoria passed them. "I'd better just go to the balcony so that my fear goes away after enjoying the beautiful view." With a trot, Victoria brought her panda doll to stand on the balcony of her room, her eyes shining on the dense forest outside her palace, she remembered going out with Arga and playing in the tree house. For some reason, Victoria smiled when she remembered the incident, she missed Arga's figure. But suddenly his face immediately frowned when he remembered Willy's face. "Damn man!" growled Victoria, choking her panda doll until it deflated. "I'll chop off your head!" *** "It's finished," Arga wiped his sweat as he managed to change Willy's character setting. He closed Willy's open stomach and pressed the tiny button on the man's chest to bring his best friend back to life. Three seconds later, the noise from Willy's mouth came out. "E-eh? Where am I? You're Arga, right? Hey-hey-hey-hey! Wait! I thought I was in front of my house, scolding people who thought you were dead, and I had the intention to come to the palace. tomorrow morning, but why am I suddenly in a room with you? Maybe you kidnapped and r***d me, huh? " Yup, Arga has eliminated Willy's memory who is here and made his memory only until he hasn't come to this palace yet. So that even his evil intentions have been forgotten. Now, Arga is relieved. "Hahaha! Sorry, but actually now you're in Vanterlock palace. I asked you here, don't you remember? No problem. You overslept on the trip and I just woke you up. You were so heavy when I carried you from the vehicle to the room. Here, you are as annoying as ever, Willy. And r****g you? That's impossible, i***t! " And Arga was forced to make up a story so that Willy felt he was indeed in the event he lied to. It's all for Willy's good. TO BE CONTINUED ...
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