Bab 10 - English Version

1712 Kata
That afternoon, when the sun was excitedly shining its rays, the princesses in Vanterlock's palace were summoned by King William to immediately come before him. Feeling called, each of the five women hurriedly went to his father's throne, to find out what was wrong until they were summoned at the same time. Charlotte, whose face was battered, rushed into her father's throne, followed by Emilia who was bowing her head, Victoria who was jumping cheerfully, Laila who was showing a smile, and Agnes who was flushed red. The five royal princesses whom William summoned were already in front of him, standing tall in their colorful dresses. "Actually, what's the matter that Father called us five? Was--" said Victoria - the blonde daughter who was cheerful - William cut short. "To be honest," William adjusted his tone to be more authoritative, tapping his fingers on the arm of his throne chair too. "I've decided who has the right to become a leader in this kingdom to replace me." Simultaneously, the five daughters were shocked, their eyes widened in disbelief at his father's decision that was too fast, even though he could lead this kingdom for decades, but why would he want to abdicate so quickly? "Ridiculous," Agnes hissed. "You did that on purpose to force us to replace you, is that right? You i***t, we're still not mature enough to rule this vast empire and take care of the millions of humans out there." William's eyes fell on the five faces of his daughter calmly, then with the firmness of a father, he answered the protests of his second daughter, Agnes. "You don't need to worry, children. I have made up my mind not to force you, my daughters, to take care of this complicated royal business by yourself." Feeling that there was something wrong with her father's words, Emilia asked, "If we don't replace Dad, then who?" "Is it the nobles?" quipped Charlotte. "Or commoners?" added Victoria. "Maybe our cousins?" Laila guessed. "Could it be ...." snatched Agnes with her mouth open. "You are right, Agnes," answered King William, with Agnes's eye. "Who will replace my position as King in the Vanterlock Kingdom is ... Arga Gelisto." BUM! The sound of surprise created between Emilia, Agnes, Victoria, Laila, and Charlotte had succeeded in making King William who watched them smile to himself. This is the part William has been waiting for, which is seeing the reactions of his five daughters after hearing his mature decision. "WHAT'S CRAZY DAD !?" Due to her dumbfounded surprise, Emilia destroyed the mask she had been guarding from a long time ago by shouting her disapproval of her father's decision. No matter how important it was to maintain her perfect mask, Emilia, confidently, showed her true self in order to prevent her father from doing something this crazy. The four younger siblings were even surprised to hear Emilia's scream which was very fierce, symbolizing the infinite anger, the four of them glared at her first sister who was now taking a step from their position to get closer to her father. "IN THE RULES OF THE KINGDOM, IF A KING WILL DONT DOWN, THEN THE PERSON MUST CHANGE THE POSITION OF LEADERSHIP IS THE WIFE, THE SONS, BROTHERS, ASSEMBLY, OR THE CHARACTER OF THE STOP CHILDREN. CHOOSE IN CHANGING YOUR POSITION! HERE STILL WE ARE! MAYBE MY FOURTH SISTER IS STILL NOT STRONG TO TAKE THAT BIG DUTY! BUT, TRUST ME! I'M ALREADY ENOUGH TO REPLACE YOU, DAD! BECOME KUMOHON .... " "Enough, Emilia!" William snapped at Emilia who was acting too far, shouting at her father who was now the king was a very disrespectful act. "If you object to my decision, then please give me your advice and opinions properly to be able to change my mindset, not by screaming that screams ears, Emilia." Her black hair drooped in resignation, Emilia lowered her head, her irritation felt that she was being pressed, the veins on her forehead still visible, a sign that her anger had not subsided. Emilia took a step back to stand back in the same row as her four sisters, her feelings mixed with annoyance and despair. "Who object to my decision, raise your hand!" Unexpectedly, if all of William's daughters raised their left hand simultaneously, they seemed to work together to overthrow their father to take the throne. Impressed by the enthusiasm of the five of them, William tried to ask one by one of them, what was the reason that they rejected the decision he had made carefully? "What's your reason for raising your hand, Charlotte? And what's with your battered face? Who are you fighting with? Even though you're a princess, but your behavior--" "Can you be quiet, Your Majesty the King?" cut Charlotte with a sharp intonation. "Can you please ignore what happened to my face first? I would be very happy if you said 'yes', alright, now, let me explain clearly why I objected to your proposal to raise an insect to be your successor. "Think about it. He came to this palace without mentioning where he came from, right? I heard that from the gossip, then, he also shamelessly volunteered to be your son-in-law? From here we have found something about the location of danger to Arga. Gelisto who is nothing but an unwelcome guest in this palace. I'm just worried that Father has been hypnotized by that bug to make this shocking decision. " William's mustache twitched like a caterpillar, it seemed, the distended man was holding back laughter after hearing an excuse from his youngest daughter, Charlotte. Of course, he didn't mean to underestimate Princess Charlotte's reasoning in the slightest, instead, he was proud that his youngest daughter could express her opinion without the slightest bit of awkwardness even though she was being noticed by her siblings, it was just that she was comforted to see the courage of her. her five daughters. "After I listened carefully, it seems that Charlotte is very curious about where Arga Gelisto lives, to the point that you want to know in detail where her house is or even her room? Before that man took the position of King, is that so?" What kind of satire is this? Charlotte thought furiously hearing her father deliberately teasing her in front of her siblings. Whereas usually, Charlotte is the mastermind of all problems that start from teasing or teasing, and now, the girl is getting the payback. "I don't think I need to answer a silly question like that." grunted Charlotte by turning her face to the side so that her siblings couldn't see her expression which had been humiliated by her father. "Then, how about you, Victoria?" William's attention was completely diverted to the blonde girl. "Finally I was given the opportunity to talk ~ hehehehe! I'm so happy! Ouch! I'm soooooounny. Okay-okay, I'll answer it for the sake of my beloved father. So, the reason is this, ummmm ... maybe because men are not suitable to be the leader, "Suddenly, Victoria's previously cheerful face turned irritated. "Men are trash! Men are ugly! Men are stupid! Men are lousy! Men are disgusting! They are all good people are wiped off the face of this earth!" "Hm? What do you mean Father also doesn't deserve to be a king?" Victoria suddenly fell silent, she lifted her head, looked into the eyes of her father who was watching her. Victoria's legs trembled and dropped her ass onto the red carpet that connected to her father's throne. Victoria's two eyes were teary, unconsciously, through her insults just now at the male figure, she was like insulting her own father. Currently, Victoria's tears are dripping because she regrets insulting the man who is also part of her father. Victoria's two calves could not hold her weight back on her feet because of limp helplessness. "S-I'm sorry ~ Daddy! Sob! I didn't mean to ... belittle you, insult you, underestimate you, blaspheme you! I didn't mean it like that, Daddy! Sob! Please ... I'm sorry!" Coldly, William's attention turned to Agnes, ignoring Victoria's apology and crying voice. "Explain your reasons why you object to my decision, Agnes?" "Actually there is only one thing why I disagree with your decision, Father," said Agnes seriously. "Because you didn't choose me. I am one hundred percent sure that if you chose me to replace your job, the Vanterlock Kingdom would be prosperous forever." "What prosperity do you mean is forcing all your people to respect the demons you tell, right? Then, teaching them to become devils and giving all your knowledge about how to make your strange potions and black magic, right? " Feeling slapped by her father's words, Agnes was silent in her position, she could not defend herself anymore because what William suspected was true. "Laila, I'm curious on your reasons, can you explain why you rejected my proposal?" With a nod of her head, Laila opened her voice, "I'm sorry if my excuses sound sassy or impolite. I object if the next King is Arga Gelisto, because as far as I know, after I get to know him closely, he doesn't have the authority of a man. his language is also impolite, his body style is also unsightly, I suggest giving him a lesson first before he is made a King by you, Father. " "Very good, your reason sounds very noble, Laila. However, I feel that if you are looking down on an Arga, could it be that in your eyes he is just a man who can't control his attitude? Gosh, I'm surprised you judge someone only from the outside, Laila? Don't you always get first place in the academy? But why is your view of other people only to judge their outward appearance? I'm disappointed in you. " Right now, Laila's heart was racing because she was shocked at what her father said to her, she couldn't say anything anymore because she thought she deserved to be scolded like this. "And now, I want you to state your reasons, Emilia. I hope there are no more wolf shouts in your voice." Hearing her name being said made Emilia take a deep breath and then exhaled through her mouth, she had stabilized her emotions and was ready to say the reason. TO BE CONTINUED ...
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