Bab 18 - English Version

1732 Kata
This morning, Charlotte was stricken by the consequences of her actions, until she was about to be expelled by her own father for injuring her mother, Queen Camila. The girl even for the first time cried in front of her father to beg him to cancel the expulsion, but unfortunately, William did not grant his youngest daughter's request. King William deliberately did that so that Charlotte changed her habit of torturing someone, the cruelty of her youngest daughter was what made the bloated man not budge to see the girl crying and begging even once, because according to William, the youngest was deserving and should be punished. However, this time William must be able to reconsider his decision because suddenly, his four daughters who were told to pack Charlotte's things, instead of coming with a big bag, they instead returned with Arga, the blonde with horns, without carrying anything inside. grasp. The horned young man also persuaded William to cancel the expulsion, but what made the king surprised was not the persuasion of Arga, but the pleading screams of the four brothers of the youngest, the four of them simultaneously voiced protests together so that William could be wiser in making decisions. As a result, because his feelings had been touched to see the struggle of the four brothers in protecting one younger brother, William firmly said, "I am proud that you can voice your gratitude for the punishment that will befall Charlotte. With pleasure, I, King William, forgive Charlotte's actions." Indeed, Arga even clenched his fists and punched the air because he was happy to hear that decision. While Agnes, Laila, Victoria, and Emilia smiled in unison, they were happy that their efforts were not in vain, and Charlotte immediately hugged William tightly by saying her deep thanks, then, having finished dealing with the king, the pink-haired girl came down. from his father's lap and suddenly he ran and jumped towards his four brothers, Puk! Charlotte immediately hugged the four of them at once with her arms spread out. "I don't know what else to say to you, right now, I'm really amazed by your struggle to protect me from a punishment, I'm happy. Thank you, Ms. Emilia, Ms. Victoria, Ms. Agnes, and Ms. Laila, someday. , I will repay your kindness. Really, I'm serious. " Agnes rubbed Charlotte's back. "Next time, don't do anything more troublesome, Charlotte." Victoria played Charlotte's cheeks with great exasperation. "Gosh ~ I never thought you were so cute, Charlotte ~" Emilia kissed Charlotte's forehead. "If there's a problem, you can tell me. Trust me, I'm ready to be your listener, Charlotte. Don't hesitate." Laila stroked Charlotte's hair gently. "You have to be able to change yourself, Charlotte. Even if you're free from punishment, that doesn't mean you can do your habit again, you understand?" Charlotte smiled at her four siblings, this was the first time for her to be able to hug the four of them, even though before, let alone hugging, to be able to chat with her four siblings was impossible because of her cold attitude, making her four siblings reluctant to greet her. But behold, now the five of them have come together like fully developed flower petals, showing their beauty to the world. Arga can only look at them from his position, actually he also wants to be involved in the hug, but because he is only a stranger here and also a man, makes him reluctant to hug the five of them. From his throne, William also never stopped describing his happiness by adorning his face with a proud smile, indeed, as a father, this was the first time he had seen his five daughters get along like that. He was very happy, if only Camila could see them, maybe her soul would be touched. *** "Ha? King William kicked out Princess Charlotte? What was that?" Willy was surprised when he heard Arga's words who had just returned to his room, of course, the blonde man did not explain in detail the matter to his friend, because he thought it was unnecessary. "Then, I will go again, because I was invited by Princess Charlotte to celebrate her happiness in her private garden." When Arga said that and was about to rush out of the room, Willy, whose appearance was neat and fragrant, immediately lunged at the man's back to hold him away. "Hey-hey-hey-hey-hey! Anyway, I'm coming! I'm tired of being in the room, buddy! Let me come with you! I'm also curious about the faces of Princess Charlotte and other princesses, because I want to ask for their autograph , Buddy! " Because he was uncomfortable being hugged by Willy, Arga immediately agreed to the boy's request with great force. Arga is also a bit sorry for Willy who never goes out and around the palace. Maybe this can also be called a tour for Willy and it happens that Arga is forced to be his guide. The green haired man was so happy that he jumped up and down like a child when Arga accepted his request. And they finally went together to Charlotte's private garden, actually Arga was a bit worried, he was worried that Willy would mess up the celebration, because the princesses might not like the boy, therefore, he had been praying that his best friend could maintain his attitude in front of the crowd. princess palace. *** Surprisingly, Arga thought that the 'garden' that Princess Charlotte meant was a place where there were flowers blooming all over the place, but in fact, the garden that was used as a place of celebration turned out to be a location where lots of animals were confined in fenced cages. . Maybe this is what is called a zoo. So, apart from Laila who has her own private laboratory and Emilia who has her own ballet room, Charlotte also doesn't want to be outdone, she has a private zoo in which her pets are included. Amazed by the beauty of this garden, Arga doesn't realize that Willy has been screaming beside him asking to be ignored. Arga also turned to his friend. "Why, Willy?" "You're so annoying, mate! I was talking to you, but you didn't listen to me! You suck!" Feeling guilty, Arga smiled at Willy as an apology, but the short man didn't need that smile. When they had passed the animal cages, unconsciously, they had arrived at their destination. There, there is a small tent in the shape of an umbrella filled with beautiful chairs and a long table that is served with various delicious dishes, some of the chairs have been occupied by the princesses, only two chairs are left, which means, Arga and Willy are still getting seats. . Seeing Arga and Willy coming, the princesses frown, even the owner of this place, Charlotte, wondered. As far as he can remember, apart from his four brothers, he only invited Arga as an additional guest in his celebration celebrating freedom from his father's punishment, then who was that short green-haired man whose body was full of muscles? "Wait a minute," Charlotte got up from her chair and approached Arga. "Who is he, Arga?" Hearing himself being offended, Willy immediately smiled and held out his hand for Charlotte to shake his hand, but unfortunately, the girl ignored him. "He's my best friend, his name is Willy. Sorry if I didn't tell you, but actually, last night Willy stayed in my room and because this morning, he almost died of boredom, I invited him here to participate in celebrating your freedom, do you mind, Princess Charlotte?" Raising her eyebrows, Charlotte glanced a little at Willy then looked back at Arga. "I really object. Here, I only invite people who I consider important, and him, not at all important in my eyes. So, can you get rid of these insects from my garden, Arga?" For whatever reason, Willy even bulged his eyes in shock to receive such a rude reception from the host, his heart was suddenly crushed. While Arga can only smile helplessly, it seems that Princess Charlotte's habit of hurting strangers has not completely disappeared. "Charlotte! What are you doing there? Let's start the celebration! I can't wait!" Suddenly Agnes's scream made Charlotte turn her head and answer, "Yes! Wait a minute, I'm welcoming a guest first!" Then Charlotte's attention returned to Arga and Willy. "For now, I let you carry this insect, but next time, I'll get rid of it." "Wow! I never thought Princess Charlotte was so ugly, huh?" Suddenly Willy threw a taunt at Charlotte in a loud voice, making those concerned stare at him with a look of hatred, Arga was also surprised to hear that. "Did you say something to me, Mr. Bug?" Charlotte asked Willy with an expression that couldn't bear to destroy something. "Hehehehe! Besides being ugly, it turns out that Princess Charlotte is also deaf, huh?" Arga gulped, this was getting worse. He had to do something about the two people who were staring at each other. "Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen, could you please save the fight first? The main event is about to begin, so let's forget your troubles and start partying." said Arga by pushing Charlotte and Willy's backs, trying to separate the heated argument and dragging their bodies to the celebration venue. Victoria, Agnes, Laila, and Emilia smiled at Arga to greet him, then their smiles vanished when they realized that a foreign man had participated here. "I hate men." muttered Victoria, glowering at Willy. "Bullies." Agnes chuckled with her eyes watching Willy. "Is he a bad person?" Laila was a little worried about Willy's presence. "I want to throw up." Emilia closed her mouth because she was sick to see Willy's face. "Insect." Charlotte looked annoyed at Willy. Instead of being angry or shocked, Willy, who heard the negative reactions from the princesses, immediately said with a smile on his face. "Wow, I didn't expect, apparently the five girls who bear the name of the princess all look like clowns! Hehehehe!" Hearing this, Agnes's soul was shaken, Laila's feelings were offended, Victoria's beauty faded, Emilia's mask was shattered, and Charlotte's happiness disappeared. Arga was resigned, he immediately bowed his head in shame at the attitude of his friend, it was only a matter of time until Willy was crushed by five daughters here. TO BE CONTINUED ...
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