Chapter 8

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Zanko, who heard Zhi Zhe's answer as soon as he started to get annoyed, "Oh, yes it is. I'm not a girl! What do you mean equating me with a girl?" he said while following me "I didn't say you're a girl!" "Aaarrkh .... but you said earlier! It's the same you look down on me like a girl!" "Oh, but I'm not. You said it yourself! " "Hey! You must apologize to me! Must!" "I won't. I'm taking my words so I won't apologize to Zanko!" On the last step, Zanko stopped babbling. He just had a flat face with an annoying heart. I approached the big Madam who was sitting on the sofa, while beside her was the father. I did not sit on the couch. I immediately knelt in front of the big Madam while watching my smile. "Madame, I'm sorry. I don't think it's good that both of us should be enemies. I am not here long, and I know my father has married you. Madame, let me treat your wound. After that, we will discuss something important, only between mother and child. Not between father and son! " The father who heard could only take a deep breath and shake his head. The big mistress saw me, she turned to my father. He also replied, "Yes, fine. You can treat me, and we will discuss essential matters only between mother and child, "he replied while holding out his hand to me. I began to touch the big lady's dislocated hand, the hand that had been bandaged. I started to treat it with the ability I have. Streams healing, a power I've had since childhood. While flowing healing, I invited the Big Madame to talk. "Madame, well .. sorry. Sorry, I can't call you my mom. But we will do a deal if Madame agrees. Before I went here, and the time I passed. I experienced many exciting things that I couldn't find anywhere, even though they were very bitter. I think Madame is trying to persuade me to accept you as my mother, right? " The big lady smiled sweetly and answered honestly, "Yes, yes, you are right. Sorry if I haven't been a good mother to you. Sorry if I trouble you too! " "Ah, what are you saying? Madame is a good woman. I don't think Madame did this without reason. Why did Madam treat me well? Is there something Madame is hiding from me? I hope Madame answers honestly. It's only between mother and child. We'll do a deal after a few questions. " "Okay, I will answer honestly. I won't cover anything up. I did all this because I love your father, and I want to have a daughter. This is a good opportunity for me. I have it all, but I have no joy. It was before I had this kind of happiness. My life is happy with my family. There are children and fathers. At that time our family went for a walk on the beach. I saw a beautiful and cute girl who accompanied her mother. From there, I wanted to have a daughter. My first husband really understood how I felt. He knew I would never be able to have another daughter. He knows what happened to me. Giving birth to Zanko, I had such a hard time in my life that I was diagnosed as having no more children. It means that my dream is only a dream. One day bad things came to me, bad weather that hit the sea and coast. At that time, Zanko, Yasashi, and my first husband were there. They are on the ship. Big waves hit the ship. I who saw them from the coast could do nothing to save them. I can only pray and hope God will save my family. However, my prayer was not heard by God. My husband and child were found in critical condition. My husband breathed his last, and while two of my children were unconscious," she told me. Unexpectedly, the Big Madame shed tears, I saw her crying, and the story of her dark life left me speechless. I was quiet, but Big Madame refreshed herself. He continued his story. "I went to the coast where the storm happened. I do not know what to do. I felt that God was never fair to me. I shouted out loud, 'Why did you take my husband and child? Why are you doing this to me? Have I done something wrong? I do what you tell me. I'm doing good. What did I do wrong?' I complained at that time. I do complain about this ordeal. I couldn't accept what was happening, I ran out to sea. I kept running until I drowned. That's when I heard a strange voice whispering in my ear. He says my family will survive if I obey orders from him. In a state of unconsciousness, I answered his words. The whisper wanted me to be his wife, but I refused. But I also insisted on asking the whisper to heal my son. He made another deal with me. He wanted a daughter from me. I agreed. I thought whisper was stupid. I won't be able to have any more children, so I just agreed to the deal. I opened my eyes, and I was reunited with your father. My two children also recovered. Their healing made me think again about the promise I made. But ... but you don't have to worry. You will not be taken away by anyone because you are my stepson. So there is no need to be afraid, and I think that promise is just a whisper that I might have heard the words wrong. I love your father. And I also want a girl like you. Are ... are you willing to accept me as your mother?" he said while wiping the tears with a tissue. The healing I have done has been completed, "Big lady, please remove the bandages. The movements of your hands, Madame. Madame's hand is healed!" I said with a smile. The big lady was shocked, she couldn't believe that her hand would heal. But he felt his hand no longer hurt. He also began to remove the bandages on his hands. Zanko, who noticed this incident became interested, he approached us. The big lady slowly took off the bandage, the last twist of the application she was increasingly sure that her hand had indeed healed. The bright face with a happy heart was evident on the big Madam. "Aaa ... oh my! This is real magic. How can you do it?" said the big lady with a happy feeling. "Thank God. I have kept my promise to heal Madam's hand. Now I want to ask again. Did you really love my father? I see him every day, always working hard for me. Yes, even though in the end, we got separated. But I'm sure you are doing your best." Spontaneously, the big lady held my father's hand. They were very close and seemed to love each other. "Yes, of course. I really love your father. He is the man who made me rise again. I also want you. I promise to treat you like my son. I also won't let anyone else grab you from me. Don't worry, I didn't make a deal with that whisper. He only took children from me and not you. It's just a whisper, after all, and I might have heard it wrong. I will protect you no matter what." I smiled sweetly and answered, "Madame, actually, it doesn't matter. I will agree to call Madame my mother. But Madame must meet my requirements!" "What is that? Of course, I will fulfill it. As long as you accept me as your mother. " "First, as you know, my name is Zhi Zhe. Actually, that's not my real name. My dad didn't like that name. He gave me a new name. My name is Anita. Madam can call me An. I know dad wants me to forget my past, but I can't forget the name my mother gave me. But I like my mother's given name. Would Madame call me An? And in return, I will call Madame as my mother." Big Madam and father looked at each other. Daddy gave sign language, dad nodded his head and Madam too. Then the big Madam said, "Yes, of course. There is no other choice, right? Yes, no problem. I don't mind your name, I just want you to call me mom or mama". The big lady held my shoulders, asked me to stand up, and she hugged me tightly. The big lady is delighted. Today this girl will finally call herself a mother, and her wish to have a daughter is granted.
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