Mysterious Ability

1547 Kata
Otto is assigned to handle an accident case involving the family of a detective in the police force. The state of the accident site was very chaotic. The car driven by the detective member was destroyed. Two of the three passengers were pronounced dead on the spot. It was Jack and Marie. While a boy sitting in the middle seat was unconscious. His condition was critical. The medical team immediately took him to the nearest hospital. Although both work as detectives in the police, Otto only knows Jack a little. They served in different police stations. But because the accident happened in his territory, the case was assigned to him. Sam, his junior in the police force, then tells him that Jack is a detective currently investigating the Charles Cooperation case. Otto did not know the details of the case. But he knew it was a significant case involving several businessmen and government officials. Otto became more and more convinced that the accident that happened was not accidental. But the only key witness in the crash is now in a coma. The child Otto knew was named Nicky, who had been unconscious for one month. And during that one month, Otto and Sam always took turns coming to the hospital to monitor Nicky's condition. To this day, while Otto and Sam are drinking coffee in the hospital cafeteria, a nurse calls him and tells him that Nicky is conscious. Otto immediately came to Nicky's room and carefully heard the doctor’s explanation. He felt pity and annoyed when he heard the doctor's explanation. Sorry for Nicky but annoyed because he could not immediately ask for information and catch the culprit. But it seems that Nicky's situation is still bad. When Otto looked into his eyes, the child shook his head restlessly. He appeared to be unable to bear the pain in his body. Otto couldn't imagine how much the child had suffered. All he had in mind then was, "What a fate you have. It’s still so small to bear a big disaster." Seven days have passed since Nicky regained consciousness. Now Nicky feels that his body is better than that day. He can also speak. Today the nurse took Nicky to a room with various tools and equipment. It was a space for therapy. Nicky's body now feels stiff because he hasn't moved for over a month. The medics helped Nicky move his body. After doing physical therapy for approximately five days, now is the time for Nicky to do a consultation session with a child psychologist. The room was much more comfortable than the physical therapy room. There are many toys, and the aroma in the room also makes anyone who breathes it calm. On that day, Nicky was only told to talk about his feelings. Nicky first spoke to the psychologist about feeling sad because his parents were dead. The psychologist didn't ask at all about the accident Nicky had. Finally, Nicky told about a strange incident he experienced when he woke up from a coma. "At that moment, I heard a voice, but no one spoke in the room," Nicky said innocently. The psychologist nodded slightly, "What sound did you hear?" He asked softly. “It's like someone said, ‘What a fate you have. It’s still so small to bear a big disaster.’ Is it the voice of my father's spirit?" "Why did you suspect it was your father's voice?" "Because of that, an adult male voice, like my father or the detective, was in front of me. They are both adult men, right?" The psychologist just smiled slightly. She then wrote something on the consultation paper. She diagnosed Nicky with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The accident that resulted in the death of Nicky's parents caused great grief and trauma. The trauma then causes Nicky to hallucinate, like he hears voices that aren't there. "Did you also see something strange? Like, for example, something that no one else can see?" The psychologist wanted to ascertain whether or not Nicky was experiencing visual hallucinations. Nicky shook his head quickly, "No, I just heard the voice." The psychologist nodded in understanding. She couldn't dig up information at once because Nicky was a child. The consultation session ended. After seven weeks hospitalized, Nicky was eventually allowed to go home. But after his father and mother’s died, Nicky only has an aunt named Jane. Jane is Jack's younger sister. She decided not to marry because she did not believe in love. Now Jane also sincerely wants to take full care of Nicky. She lives in Jack's house with Nicky. Jane then tells Nicky that the man who came when Nicky woke up from a coma was a detective assigned to handle his family's accident case. At that time, all Nicky had in mind as a child was wanting to see the detective. Nicky plucked up the courage to come to the police station alone. But when he arrives, Nicky learns that a detective named Otto has been reassigned to a small town. He couldn't see Otto either. However, there was one person who had previously met him. It was Sam. Nicky also immediately approached the junior detective, "Why was Otto transferred? Then what about my family's accident case?" Nicky asked innocently. Several police officers in the room turned to Nicky and Sam. Sam cleared his throat. He looked around awkwardly. "Have you eaten lunch? You have to try the burger that is on the other side. It tastes very delicious. Come on, let me pay for it." Sam said as he put his arm around Nicky's shoulder and walked quickly out of the room. Sam didn't lie. He invited Nicky to eat at a burger restaurant near the police station. Nicky enjoyed his burger because he had yet to eat lunch. After Nicky finished eating, Sam just told the story. "The division chief reassigned Detective Otto because he insisted on investigating your family's accident case. He felt that there was something odd about the case. His suspicions grew when the division chief asked him to stop investigating the case. Detective Otto is an honest and hardworking person. He secretly investigated the case without being noticed by the division chief. The division chief was finally furious. He immediately transferred Otto to a small town far away from here." The burger that had entered Nicky's body felt like he wanted to go out again. Suddenly he felt nauseous. Nicky asked, "Why should the investigation be stopped? Isn't the culprit who hit my dad's car hasn't been caught yet?" Sam sighed. As an adult who works as a detective, he knows the reason. But he couldn't tell Nicky. Sam is a junior detective who has only been on duty for two years. Sam immediately complied when the division chief asked him to stop investigating Jack's family case. He had also spoken to Otto to obey the head of the division. But Sam knew his words would not be heard by Otto. At that time, Otto said, "It doesn't matter if you want to stop investigating this case. After all, your career has just begun. You must not be prepared for all the consequences, right? But I've been working as a detective for 20 years. If I give up, my struggle for the past 20 years will be in vain. I will investigate this case, maybe even continue Jack's struggle to investigate the case of Charles Cooperation." He said, looking at Sam. Just like Sam, who is currently staring at Nicky. When Sam wanted to say something, Nicky said, "I'm sorry I can't tell you more details. I can’t do more. I feel sorry for you, but I hope you understand my position,” Nicky said. He continued, " That's the sentence you're thinking right now, right?” Sam was taken aback. He was confused as to why Nicky could guess the contents of his head. The sentence Nicky said was also precisely the same as he was thinking. Sam changed his sitting position to upright. Now he looked tense, "Why....can you tell?" But Nicky didn't answer him, not because he didn't want to but because he didn't know what was happening to him. Since the accident, Nicky can hear the voices of the minds of those who are staring at him as if there was a sound that only his ears heard. The sentence arrangement of the voice he hears is always precisely the same as what is in the interlocutor’s mind. Nicky once told his aunt, but Jane didn't believe it and took Nicky to a psychologist. Since then, Nicky has never told adults about his unnatural abilities. Nicky doesn't want to be considered weird and shunned by his friends. Therefore, he is determined to heal his mysterious abilities. Nicky eventually leaves, leaving Sam still dumbfounded at the burger shop. He didn't want Sam to ask any further. Anyway, he knew that Sam wouldn't help him. Since then, Nicky has been determined to catch the perpetrators who have killed his father and mother. He believes that he can avenge this revenge when he grows up with his miraculous abilities. He vowed with trembling lips, "I-will-catch-the-killer-that-when-the-adult-later." The sky also let out a roar and lightning as if recording Nicky's vows.
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