Chapter 21

1005 Kata

Raine summoned her courage and looked up at the door of the cottage. She knew that she must tell Bryce; she couldn't just leave without an explanation. She walked purposefully up the steps and walked inside. Bryce stood immediately. They were all sitting at the table, and it appeared that they were having a heated discussion. "Bryce, I must speak with you alone," Raine said, and then turned to Colin. "Thank you for your hospitality, but I must go. It was wonderful to meet you all." Colin stood and took her hands into his. "'Twas our pleasure, princess. You are welcome in our home any time." Raine smiled and then turned toward the door as Bryce followed her outside onto the wooden porch. She didn't turn to face him, unable to look him in the eye. "I have to tell you something, and you w

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