What's a Spitwrite Anyway?

141 Palabras
What's a Spitwrite Anyway?   Simply put, it’s a story written in a day. Every day, actually. I just call them spitwrites because it’s rude and in-your-face. I can’t believe I’ve been doing these for two-and-a-half months. Some nights I feel like crap, I’ve got nothing more to give but I push on. Somehow. Other days the story just comes to me from something that inspired me, like some art from the wonderful artists I follow and share all the time on my social. The first month, that of Inktober was wobbly, I wrote a lot of these stories but I went back and worked on some, spent time coordinating with the artists for their sketches, etc. The second month of November was full-on spitwrite, one every day. The third had some bumps on the road but it still got done. Hope you like it.   George Saoulidis December 2018, Athens
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