What's a Spitwrite Anyway?

139 Palabras
What's a Spitwrite Anyway? Simply put, it’s a story written in a day. Every day, actually. I just call them spitwrites because it’s rude and in-your-face. This is the fourth volume. I am slowly running out of the ideas I desperately wanted to explore, I have done over a hundred stories after all. But there are more in my project folders, don’t worry. They just need a bit more work to develop. Also, I’ll slowly start revisiting some characters I like, throwing them in interesting situations and providing some more background about them. Expect more Loveless Ada and Deimos Çelik, those should be fun. This month I cheated a bit, writing two stories in parts. But those were the exception and it has been a tough month, so even making these happen is an achievement. Hope you like this volume. George Saoulidis January 2019, Athens
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