CHAPTER ONE ~ 1875-2

1891 Palabras

She walked into the house wearing high-heeled shoes and dressed in a fashion Amalita had never seen before. It was so obvious that her father found her irresistible as he could not take his eyes from her. She flirted with him in a way that kept the two girls gazing at her in astonishment. She was witty and amusing and she looked at him in a way that brought the fire into his eyes. Amalita was old enough to understand why her father could forget everything he had lost. In fact he was no longer the father she knew, the man she had adored ever since he had first lifted her out of the cradle. For their father’s sake, Amalita and Carolyn tried to understand and to like their stepmother. But it was quite obvious that Yvette had no use for them. She was concerned with one thing only and th

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