141 Palabras
AUTHOR'S NOTEThe viper is in a general sense any venomous snake and is usually restricted to members of the family of Viperidae. These are found in Europe, Asia, and Africa. The ten genera vary greatly in size and are of danger to man. Some have prehensile tails and are arboreal. Others are called mole snakes and are burrowers. All these snakes can swim if necessary and some species frequent the banks of streams and lakes. Their venom is introduced at the base of the fang and discharged into the wound. The quantity of venom and the depth of penetration vary with the size of the snake and some small species are extremely dangerous. All the dangerously venomous snakes in Europe are vipers of the Genus Vipera. The best known is the Common Viper, the only venomous snake found in Great Britain.
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