What's a Spitwrite Anyway?

157 Palabras
What's a Spitwrite Anyway?   Simply put, it’s a story written in a day. Every day, actually. I just call them spitwrites because it’s rude and in-your-face. I take some idea I have lying around in my notes, or a word I see somewhere or a picture that inspires me from the wonderful artists I’ve found online, and I just write a story based on that. I wanted to challenge myself by writing a short story every day, and I wanted to publish that story on my blog. The collection of those stories is this book right here. The first spitwrite collection was more sporadic and has illustrations attached, whereas this one is tighter, one story each day without fail. Some stories are standalones in their own little universe, some take place in my other universes. Some are sci-fi, some space opera, some are fantasy and some are contemporary. Hope you enjoy them as much as I did writing them.   George Saoulidis November 2018, Athens
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