181 Palabras
Herbs have been known about all down the centuries and especially by the Chinese. In England, Nicolas Culpeper, the famous astrological-physician of the early seventeenth century wrote a Complete Herbal which is still used today. Complete HerbalThroughout his life from 1616-1654 he devoted very much of his time to the study of astrology and medicine and published numerous tracts. Although they are unorthodox and undermined by contemporary medical standards, they nevertheless enjoyed huge sales. These herbal remedies are still of inestimable value today to everybody in the National Association for Health, of which I am the President. Since the Prince of Wales has announced his interest in and his approval of Alternative Medicine, it has become more popular than ever. I started the National Association for Health in 1964 as a front for all the members and admirers of Alternative Medicine and a great many people said that it was very unnecessary. Today it has a 250 million pound turnover a year, with a third going in exports, and at the last Health Conference in 1983, thirty-eight countries were represented.
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