Author’s Note

266 Palabras
Author’s NoteMankind has been entranced, fascinated and inspired by stars since the beginning of Civilisation. The Star of Bethlehem was symbolic of the human search not only for Faith but for Love. Today nearly every newspaper has columns on the stars, to guide people according to their birth date. Personally I put very little faith in these, as it is very complicated to work out how exactly the time one is born can be interpreted by the stars. Most of the astrologers, in my opinion, are wrong in what they predict. For instance Napoleon Bonaparte used astrologers and so did Hitler. They were neither of them told that it would be disastrous to go to Russia and if they did go to leave before the winter started in September. Napoleon lost half of his Army not to the Russian guns but to the weather. I can still remember the film that was shown of one hundred and fifty thousand of Hitler’s soldiers being taken prisoner, shivering in their summer uniforms, the tanks and guns grounded because the petrol and oil were frozen. Today the Japanese use the stars continually not just for personal advice but also for their monetary investments on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Their astrologers never told them that Pearl Harbour would eventually lead to Hiroshima. At the same time the fascination of the stars will go on. We will believe in our hearts that through the stars we will find the perfect Love which, whether they admit it or not, all human beings seek and which only a very few are privileged to find.
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