Introduction- Note

584 Words
Introduction Hello! This is just an edit. This book is complete. It is recommended to read the Broken Mates Series prior to this, however, not necessary! For those of you who have been reading the Broken Mates series, or any of my other stories, this is strictly about the Darrin/Rose and Brady/Charlotte story. The Beginning through the very bitter end and then some. For those of you who have not read the Broken Mates series, this is a short story about two werewolves in love at a young age before they discover their true mates. This does not have a happy ending. So if you are looking for a happily ever after steamy love story, you will not find it here. I mean, it gets a little steamy or whatever, but not in a complete sense. For those of you familiar with BM—okay, not calling it that ever again, it sounds gross—it will still be in third person POV, but each chapter will focus on one person’s POV in the third person. Want to have less confusion even though it’s really only about two characters. I decided to write this after giving so much thought into their story, so I plotted it out and have slowly been writing it. Wanted to release it all at once, but it's taking way too long, and I just want to get it started. There is nothing about this story that is necessary to the overall universe (or whatever we want to call it) revolving around Kai and all the others. Just a little side thing. If you haven’t read up through Of Gods and War, you may want to skip this next part, since there are spoilers, and some people hate that. So. Spoiler begins here if you haven’t read the three books. Okay, so here’s my thing. In Strength in Darkness and Of Gods and War, I had this whole thing in the back of my mind palace, and while everyone was hating on Darrin or whatever, my fingers shook so much. I really, really, wanted to stick up for him a few times in those comments but…you know how I feel about giving away too much free s**t. I mean stuff. Free stuff. Instead, I just took notes in that notes app they install on your iPhone and somehow came up with this short story. Was not planning on doing anything with it. When she told him she knew she was going to die, and that she was choosing to die, I decided at that very moment this was definitely going to be its own thing. No more insertion of their story in bits and pieces. Yes, he was a terrible mate at the end, but come on, she was dying! He was a great Alpha and really put in all effort to make sure Cal grew up to be one, as well. But, I think that’s all part of it. We’re all definitely entitled to our own feelings about characters, and that is one hundred percent acceptable. Just know, I will always have a place for Darrin in my heart. I think it is okay to be in love with more than one person. He just didn’t go about it the best way. Anyway, like I said before, you all know how this ends, but I really wanted to put some spotlight on these two, since they were somewhat underrated in my head. Thank you always, JoJo
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