Story By Renison Tolentino

Renison Tolentino

high school financial struggle
Updated at Feb 14, 2023, 22:26
Financial issues can be a common struggle for high school students, and there are many different ways that this can play out in real life. Here is one possible story: Samantha was a sophomore in high school, and she was always worried about money. Her parents worked hard, but they didn't make a lot of money, and they had three kids to support. Samantha had a part-time job at a fast food restaurant, but she still felt like she was always running out of cash. One day, Samantha's friends invited her to go to a concert with them. She really wanted to go, but she didn't have enough money to buy a ticket. She asked her parents for help, but they said they couldn't afford it. Samantha was disappointed, but she didn't want to miss out on the fun. She decided to look for ways to earn extra money. She picked up extra shifts at work and started doing odd jobs for her neighbors, like mowing lawns and walking dogs. She also started selling some of her old clothes and accessories online. After a few weeks of hard work, Samantha had enough money to buy a ticket to the concert. She felt proud of herself for being resourceful and determined. However, she realized that she needed to be more careful with her spending in the future. She started tracking her expenses and setting a budget for herself each week. Over the next few months, Samantha continued to work hard and save money. She also started to research ways to make her money work for her, like setting up a savings account and investing in stocks. She even started a small business selling handmade jewelry online. Although it wasn't always easy, Samantha learned a lot about financial responsibility during her high school years. She realized that by being resourceful and smart with her money, she could achieve her goals and create a more secure future for herself.