Story By Abbigail Carico

Abbigail Carico

Morbid pines
Updated at Sep 17, 2024, 00:23
Tessa is a professional writer, and Luke is a billionaire. They went to college together and thought they'd never see each other again, but fate brought them back together—only Luke doesn't remember Tessa. Tessa isn't sure if it's good that they found each other again, mainly because he's her new boss.
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Updated at Aug 13, 2024, 15:47
Trigger warnings for select chapters Welcome to Montgomery High You have the jocks that includes maylees friend Trey We don’t like Trey Then you have the popular girls Olive and Teddy Future lesbians bt dubs You have the skater boys Screams Avril Lavigne But it’s just Conner You have pretty boy ✨Sam✨Everyone loves him but he’s too cute to be part of the annoying jocks The ? Then from there, it goes to the less important people The kilo kids The closeted fruit tarts and the mean but honestly hot next-door neighbor It seems normal doesn’t it It’s not tho Let’s just say life never stops surprising me New friends Hot dates Steamy fun Homecoming Family secrets Hidden affairs Suicide Pregnancy scares Hell even kidnappings And don’t forget the ransom payments And it all starts when the Jackson family moves to town Let’s get into it