Story By Dee Zerafa

Dee Zerafa

These stories are works in progress and I love and appreciate all your comments and feedback. Enjoy!
Alone in Rome
Updated at Nov 30, 2021, 20:55
Kate Moretti is living the dream, planning a beautiful wedding to her fiance Ryan and partner at her law firm Moretti and Associates. It couldn’t get much better than this, but as Kate would soon find out, it could get worse. Her near-perfect life is turned upside down when Ryan has an unforgivable affair with her older sister. Things take a turn for the even worse when Kate learns they're actually an item, planning to move back to her hometown together. Desperate to get away from everything and everyone around her, she boldly decides to go on her honeymoon trip to Rome, alone. Kate finds herself surrounded by the most amazing food, wonderful new friends and dreamy Italian men. Will she find love again?
Updated at Jul 5, 2021, 07:50
Three years after the love of her life dies unexpectedly, Belle finds herself yearning for a relationship. Will she find the man of her dreams once again? Or does true love really only come around once in a lifetime.