Story By Favor_V_April


Wicked Fate Taming Mr. Arrogant
The Billionaire's Bride: Our Vows Do Not Matter
Updated at Sep 14, 2024, 16:32
After being betrayed by her stepsister, Cathleen left the country and went abroad. However, on the day she returned to NYC, she was asked to marry the same man she caught sleeping with her stepsister 3 years ago. Cathleen agreed, as she was marrying the man to save her grandmother and wanted revenge, as well as to cut ties with her family. To her surprise, the man she married wasn't the man who betrayed her 3 years ago; it was a different man she had never seen. What happened to Finn? How will she get her revenge?  Her stepmother and stepsister found out that Finn wasn't the owner of Knight Group, so they devised a plan to make Cathleen marry the lapdog while they found out who owned Knight Group. But with Finn on the run, who then did Cathleen marry? Xavier was dimmed to be a cousin from the farm; little did the mother-and-daughter pair know that he was the big shot they had been looking for.
Su Segunda Esposa
Updated at Aug 16, 2023, 05:48
Christopher Grayston solo quería casarse para evitar que su abuelo le pidiera que se volviera a casar. Como resultado, se casó con una chica que conoció fuera de los asuntos civiles. Quería casarse con alguien con quien nunca consumarían su matrimonio. Así que se conformó con una joven que acababa de conocer parada fuera de la Oficina de Asuntos Civiles, sabiendo muy bien que no la tocaría porque era solo una niña. Camila Mendoza encajaba bien desde pequeña, aunque era una tentadora sin siquiera intentarlo. Los dos firmaron los certificados de matrimonio y siguieron caminos separados. Sin embargo, 3 meses después, el destino los unió. Camila salvó a un niño y más tarde se enteró de que el niño que salvó era el hijo de su marido. A Camila nunca la importó cómo le dé su marido dirigía se vida hasta que conoció a el hijo. Todo estaba bien hasta que su exesposa volvió a tropezar en su vida. Un hombre que siempre está haciendo titulares sobre su vida sexual y una esposa en una misión. ¿Quién triunfaría?
Uma noite de paixão
Updated at Aug 8, 2023, 20:13
Gabriela Parker foi a boate noturna com seus amigos para beber pela primeira vez depois de terminar suas provas do terceiro ano, ela era uma virgem de 21 anos que nunca havia beijado ninguém antes. Então, encontrou um estranho na pista de dança, foi com ele até um hotel, deu seu primeiro beijo e perdeu sua virgindade. Foi mágico e perfeito para ela, mas, quando acordou na manhã seguinte, o homem já tinha ido embora. Alguns meses depois, Gabriela descobriu que estava grávida. Ela continuou indo ao hotel na esperança de encontrar o pai de seu filho, mas, depois de quatro meses, desistiu. Ele a abandonou, deixando-a sozinha para enfrentar aquela situação. Ela abandonou a faculdade para criar seu filho, mas voltou à escola um ano depois para completar seus estudos e ter seu diploma. Então, um dia, viu o homem com quem havia dormido na TV e percebeu que ele estava noivo e que era o conhecido bilionário Javier Hills. O que fará sua avó quando encontrar um menino que se pareça com seu neto?
Suatu malam Gairah
Updated at Jul 10, 2023, 05:17
Dia pergi ke sebuah klub bersama teman-temannya untuk minum-minum untuk pertama kalinya setelah menyelesaikan ujian tahun ketiganya. Gabriella adalah seorang perawan berusia 21 tahun yang belum pernah berciuman dengan siapa pun sebelumnya.   Dia bertemu dengan seorang pria asing di sebuah klub, menemaninya ke sebuah hotel, melakukan ciuman pertamanya, dan kehilangan keperawanannya.  Dia menikmatinya. Ketika dia terbangun keesokan paginya, pria itu sudah pergi, Dia pergi.  Dia baru mengetahui bahwa dia hamil beberapa bulan kemudian.  Dia terus pergi ke hotel dengan harapan bisa bertemu dengan pria itu, tapi setelah empat bulan, dia menyerah.  Pria itu meninggalkannya, meninggalkannya untuk menghadapi situasi ini sendirian.   Dia berhenti kuliah untuk membesarkan putranya.  Dia kembali ke sekolah setahun kemudian untuk menyelesaikan studinya dan mendapatkan gelarnya.  Dia kemudian melihat orang yang pernah tidur dengannya di TV dan menyadari bahwa dia sekarang sudah bertunangan, dan juga fakta bahwa dia adalah Multi-miliarder Javier Hills yang terkenal.   Apa yang akan dilakukan neneknya ketika dia menemukan seorang anak laki-laki yang mirip dengan cucunya?
Pasión De Una Noche
Updated at Jun 20, 2023, 16:39
Gabriela Parker fue a una discoteca con sus amigos a beber por primera vez después de terminar sus exámenes de tercer curso. Gabriela era una joven virgen de 21 años que nunca había besado a nadie. Conoció a un desconocido en un club, lo acompañó a un hotel, se dio su primer beso y perdió su virginidad. Disfrutó mucho. Cuando se despertó a la mañana siguiente, el hombre se había ido. Unos meses después descubrió que estaba embarazada. Siguió yendo al hotel con la esperanza de encontrarse con el hombre, pero después de cuatro meses, se dio por vencida. Él la abandonó, dejándola sola ante la situación. Dejó la universidad para criar a su hijo. Volvió a la escuela un año después para completar sus estudios y obtener su título. Entonces vio en la televisión a la persona con la que se había acostado y se dio cuenta de que ahora estaba comprometido, además de que era el conocido multimillonario Javier Hills. ¿Qué hará su abuela cuando encuentre a un niño que se parece a su nieto?
Always Been You
Updated at Jun 14, 2023, 19:23
Sleeping with my best friend was something that shouldn’t have happened. We made a promise to each other when we were young, but it was long forgotten, at least by him, but not by me. I didn’t forget that he was my prince charming. He dated girls, which I didn’t mind because I was still underage. We slept in the same bed until this date, but we have never crossed the line. The problem started when his fiancée failed to appear for their wedding, and I had to play the role of his bride for the day just to save his face. That was the date everything changed. We had the steamiest night, and he told me it shouldn’t have happened because he was dating my best friend, Candice. That struck me dead in the gut. I should have known that our promises were long forgotten. He took my innocence and told me it shouldn’t have happened. That hurts, but nothing hurts more than learning you’re pregnant with your best friend’s child and you can’t tell him because he is in love with your friend. !Daily updates!
His Second Wife
Updated at May 4, 2023, 22:53
Christopher Grayston only wanted to marry to stop his grandfather from asking him to remarry. As a result, he married a girl he met outside civil affairs. He wanted to marry someone with whom they would never consummate their marriage. So he settled for a young girl he had just met standing outside the Civil Affairs Bureau, knowing full well that he wouldn't touch her because she was just a girl. Camila Mendoza fit the bill since she was young, though she was a temptress without even trying. The two signed the marriage certificates and went their separate ways. However, 3 months down the line, fate brought them together. Camila saved a kid and later learned that the boy she saved was her husband's son. Camila never cared about how her whore of a husband conducted his life until she met his son. Everything was fine till his ex-wife came stumbling back into his life. A man who is always making headlines about his sex life and a wife on a mission. Who would triumph?
One Night Stand
Updated at Aug 6, 2022, 01:30
She went to a club with her friends to drink for the first time after finishing her third-year examinations. Gabriella was a 21-year-old virgin who had never kissed anybody before. She met a stranger at a club, accompanied him to a hotel, had her first kiss, and lost her virginity. She enjoyed herself. When she awoke the next morning, the man was gone,  He left. She found out she was pregnant a few months later. She continued to go to the hotel in the hopes of running into the man, but after four months, she gave up. He abandoned her, leaving her to face the situation alone. She dropped out of university to raise her son. She returned to school a year later to complete her studies and get her degree. She then saw the person she had slept with on TV and realized he was now engaged, as well as the fact that he was the well-known multi-billionaire Javier Hills. What would his grandma do when she finds a boy who looks just like her grandson? Please Note that One Night Stand is a series.
The Billionaire Alpha And His Mysterious Mate
Updated at Feb 3, 2022, 11:30
Brooke, the daughter of a werewolf and a witch, had kept her true identity hidden since she was a child since she was the most coveted supernatural being, and she was powerful and swift. Brooke was driven from her pack after being branded as weak and human. Brooke wasn’t quicker than any of the pups,but it was part of the strategy to keep her away from the supernaturals. She had spent her whole existence as a human until she found her mate. The Blue Moon Pack's Alpha Nicklaus is the most eligible bachelor, wealthy, arrogant, and dreaded by all Alphas. Will Brooke keep her true identity hidden when she meets her mate?