Story By akabuezechisom80


The cave of a million eyes
Updated at Jan 19, 2024, 14:24
Dr Fred Nwantufur was sent abroad to study in order to record the story that made his father famous and wealthy. A village is transformed into a vibrant city because of the astounding tale surrounding it. Dr Nwantufur returns from abroad only to call what his father holds dearly foolish. The mystery behind Mr Fisher's strange encounter with the truth means a rebirth of the dead myth. It proves that the cave of a million eyes truly exists with all it's treasure and glamour.The stampede for the treasure became catastrophic to many. However, three undergraduates, in a bid to ridicule their lecturer, Dr Nwantufur who they assume brags too much about the caves - decide to visit the forest to see for themselves but they end up with one of the greatest discoveries of their lives.The cave of a million eyes is a African story, told by a phenomenal African writer. It is a story of adventure, knowledge hunt, teamwork, and scientific investigation. It is a thriller