Story By Lil' Psychos

Lil' Psychos

Till We Meet, Again.
Updated at Nov 16, 2020, 07:42
He's a Nerd and She's a gangster. He loves reading while She loves troublemaking. He loves studying while She, loves bullying. The only similarities they have is... they love, to be alone. ONE day Armand accidentally ran into the Boss of MIHS- The most feared gang-leader in High School -and that's when his life started become Hellish. Well not until Taira butt in. TAIRA is a Professional when it comes to martial arts. And because of that She often gets into trouble. When she got expelled from her former school, she was fored to transfer in MIHS- Main International High School. And from there, she met Armand Villarosa- the Lonerd. At first she was amazed by his hidden beauty behind those glasses, But once she got to know him she felt  frustrated with him being a loser and all. And when she can't take it already seeing him being bullied by those motherfuckers, she decided to help him out and released the beast inside him. BUT what if, by helping him out makes her feel something she'd never felt before? Like butterflies inside her stomach? Or Can't stop thinking of him without a reason?