Story By Alexander Kelly

Alexander Kelly

Captured Fancy
Updated at Nov 20, 2019, 00:30
Garrett Hawk can tie up women with the best of them. His skills as a bondage rigger are almost legendary and keep him in almost constant demand by beautiful models, artistic photographers and as a top Dominant in the SM scene. But when a session goes horribly wrong Hawk is blamed and blackballed by the controlling female, Stockard Cuvier. Forced to eke out a living as a private investigator, Hawk is given a chance to clear his name. He's sought out by a wealthy master, Vogal Wingard, to find Simone Jones, his missing slave. Oddly enough, Simone had just hired Garrett to 'kidnap' her, as part of her personal fantasy. But now, no one can find her, and Garrett fears he's been setup once again. Garrett learns that Simone is also known as 'Fancy', a wellknown bondage model, previously working in Mistress Irena's Realm, a B&D Parlor. In order to find Simone, Garrett insinuates himself into Irena's world, and shows his deft skill in training Irena's girls for an upcoming auction. In the process he discovers that Irena's Realm is enmeshed in a complicated financial battle between Wingard, Stockard, and Irena. Meanwhile his own troubles are complicated by his growing interest in the bondage model, Carmen, who has her own need to find Simone. The manipulative players in this suspenseful drama are destined for a confrontation that will rock their delicate balance of power and turn their worlds on end.
Kidnapped: The Taming of the Princess b***h
Updated at Nov 20, 2019, 00:30
Snatched off the street by heavyhanded thugs, the panicked Paige is bound, gagged and whisked into the back of a van. Despite her determined efforts to free herself, she moves from van, to concrete floor, to limousine, to a ghastly coffin especially fitted for the transport of a human slave. Arriving at her ultimate destination a scary barbedwire compound Paige discovers that her boyfriend Robert has sold her into slavery. She's now one of many captive sex slaves residing in a hidden valley where a secret society of Masters and slaves exists, known only as Valhalla. Because no one knows who sponsored Paige into their highly organized society, she's passed among the valley's ruling triumvirate as they each attempt to cruelly torture the needed information from her. Paige has no answers to their interrogations, but she soon sees how the ruling members spar, and hopes to use this fact against them and finally earn her freedom. Before long the feisty submissive who just happens to relish her masochistic sex is dubbed the 'Princess Bitch'. In an especially cruel torture, she's deprived of the sexual fulfillment she loves. No matter how many frustrated insults she hurls at her conniving captors, everyone bows to her as if she were not a slave at all. In time, Paige learns that she alone has been forced into this strange brand of slavery, while the others are there by choice. Her secretive sponsor has planted her at Valhalla in hopes that she will bring down the triumvirate. In an odd twist of fate, she is poised to take on a powerful role in the future of the valley society. Although to secure that powerful position, she's required to submit to the meanest of tortures taking fifty from the dangerous bullwhip, and then trained as a ponygirl forced into the brutal pony races. While the fate of Valhalla may hinge on Paige, a far more personal fate may await the Princess Bitch, when an unexpected romance blooms between Paige and one of her captors.
The Property
Updated at Nov 20, 2019, 00:30
"My name is Mr. Palmer. I work for Mr. Rose. If you choose to live at his estate, he makes one promise to you: You will be used simply as a piece of entertainment, at his bidding day or night. You'll be shared with whomever he decides... Like a piece of property. My guess is you won't settle for anything less... Do you accept?" Leatherclad head to toe, caged, bound, gangbanged and abused that night... Kirsten eagerly says yes to this stunning proposal. Her transformation comes swiftly... from parttime slave at an underground sex club, to the fulltime property of Mr. Rose, she's now subject to her owner's sexual commands, to his discipline and even to the ruthless Mr. Lange who delights in tormenting her at every turn. When Kirsten finds out she isn't the only slave Mr. Rose takes to bed, she rebels and flees, only to be caught, drugged and brought back to be punished at the hands of a hooded, browneyed mystery man the Executioner.
The Training
Updated at Nov 20, 2019, 00:30
Little does Heather know, she has been selected for an experiment.  One that will test her physical and emotional limits.  While out dancing with a group of friends she becomes the object of desire for Louise, a woman directed to introduce Heather to the world of S&M, a woman who not only brings out Heather’s latent submission, but who is also one half of a couple with Marcus.  Together they entice, then push Heather, bringing her to the heights and to the depths of ecstatic pain. Heather’s world expands, but also narrows at the same time, until all she knows and cares about is the strict training, even to the point of neglecting her college studies and possibly losing her scholarship.  But the hidden agenda of the experiment, of turning a randomly selected subject into a crawling slave, overtakes Marcus and Louise as well.  Marcus begins to ignore his primary slave, Amanda, while Louise feels submissive tendencies awakened in her by a new acquaintance, James. Yet, it is Heather, with a ravenous sexual hunger, around whom they all revolve.  The more and more discipline Heather needs collides against the outside pressures of the experiment on Marcus and Louise.  They are forced to bring in another person to help train Heather, a mysterious, young man named Tyson.  With an agenda of his own Tyson takes over Heather’s training, under Louise’s and Marcus’s direction, determined to bring Heather into full slavery.
Allow Me To Serve
Updated at Nov 20, 2019, 00:30
Fantasy? Reality? Bring both Together with us. Attractive couple. He – Dom, 36. Long hair and neat beard. She – switch, 29. Brunette with good figure. We’re looking for that special person. Are you? Marlene is a lonely divorcee just kicking around her big old house, looking for something new to spice up her dreary life. An online personal ad suddenly attracts her attention. But this is not just any ad! She discovers, with some delight, that it was placed by the tenants who moved into her garage apartment a few months back. Daniel and Stephanie are a hot young D/s couple, and Marlene wants in on their magic. After a teasing seduction between landlord and tenant, Marlene has them convinced to take her on as their personal slavegirl. Though just an initiate, Marlene’s life is quickly changed, as she submits and obeys her master’s every desire. She's is thrilled by the extremes demanded of her; life couldn’t get any better than this! Yet, there is someone lurking in the shadows of her new life, a selfstyled master who will stop at nothing to pry Marlene away from her blissful threeway relationship. When this determined villain forces the choice on her, Marlene decides to do as he commands to protect her master and mistress from his malevolent schemes even if it means she’ll lose what she desires most.
The Dom
Updated at Nov 20, 2019, 00:30
Who am I? No one can tell me. Not the doctors at the New York hospital where I woke up, not the party clothes I wear, not the thousand dollars in my clutch purse or even the burner phone stuffed there too. But I get these text messages, luring me to a subbasement in the village where I am stripped, whipped and brought to mind blowing ecstasy by mysterious, darkened figures. When I dream I see women's faces, not unlike my own, full of fear, terror and desire. From the too few clues I discover a name – Conover – the name of a Dom who is somehow involved with my amnesia. Slowly but surely, I follow a trail to a private SM club and a kinky restaurant, encountering familiar faces, though they’re strangers to me. All the while, my latent slave persona manifests more and more and I realize it’s Conover who has set me on this path of torture and bliss. My overwhelming obsession to be used as a slave will take a back seat to nothing – possibly not even the truth of my own identity.
Sincerely, A Slave
Updated at Nov 20, 2019, 00:30
Alexander Kelly, author of Kidnapped: The Taming of the Princess Bitch, Allow Me to Serve and most recently, The Training brings us a hot, new release with Sincerely, A Slave. All Sloane wanted was peace and quiet, a way to forget about her divorce. When her friend Maribeth offered Sloane the job of lone caretaker at her Bed and Breakfast it seemed like a perfect fit. But reservation mix ups do occur and Sloane suddenly finds herself playing host to Ryan, an unexpected visitor. That he was handsome was a plus, but the SM equipment Sloane discovered in his baggage was something she hadn’t counted on. Of course, Sloane had heard about SM, but what she didn’t count on was her growing fascination with leather. And when Ryan finds Sloane trying on wrist cuffs and neck collars he obliges her with the full on SM treatment. At least that’s how everything appears on the surface. Other forces are at work, conspiring for Sloane and Ryan to get together. Also, Sloane and Ryan both harbor secrets that they don’t even admit to themselves, secrets about Sloane’s real reason for her divorce, and Ryan’s near crippling guilt over the death of his slave wife. How can either deal with the other’s secret when they can’t even deal with their own? This story contains bondage, heavy leather scenes, ponygirls, SM ritualization, malefemale, femalefemale action and a massive slave hunt.
On Dangerous Ground
Updated at Nov 20, 2019, 00:30
On the run from her threatening past, Jordan needs a place to hide, and she needs it now! At a roadside diner, she impulsively hops a ride in the back of a truck, only to find herself in the midst of a freightload of females, all blindfolded, bound and being transported to god knows where. But this is not the time to panic. She goes along for the ride, swiping a blindfold and cuffs so it appears that she's just another captive. After being drugged, Jordan and her companions awaken at a secluded compound called Sanctuary where the business at hand is all about sex. When one of her fellow captives is taken to the 'rape rack' for a demonstration, Jordan know that it's only a matter of time before she gets the same treatment. Jordan is swept into a world of sadomasochistic sex, where she learns to take the beatings and the hard sex and still survive. Rough as it is, it's a whole lot better than what awaits her outside the safety of the Sanctuary. Once she gets her bearings, Jordan sets her sights on one of the Sanctuary 'nobles', Gavin, who's making plans to leave the country with a personal slave. She aims to be that slave. But a menacing Mistress Gisele suspects that Jordan is an SM faker, and blackmails her into obtaining information from the powerful Gavin. Jordan's caught in the midst of a dangerous game. But she'll stop at nothing to reach safety, submitting to every master, mistress and trainer in Sanctuary, and even if that also means going along with Gisele's destructive plot.
Eternity Collar
Updated at Nov 20, 2019, 00:30
An Eternity Collar small, round, shiny, metal. Hard and unforgiving. Once locked around the neck, it can never be removed. Slavery forever. Taren 'scene' name Little Sister is dying to know what happens in the basement of the SM Club Leather Heel. Bravely venturing downstairs one night, she's immediately blindfolded and driven to her knees, as a handful of strangers descend on the unsuspecting novice. The scene is rough, the sex is hot and Taren gets her fill of whips, cocks and bondage. However later, when she's anonymously presented with an Eternity Collar, she's scared to death of what it means and runs away, vowing to never to return. A few years later, Taren discovers that her friends Malina and Randi have made a pact to join a shadowy SM group known only as 'the circuit'. When Randi backs out at the last minute, she reveals to Taren that the circuit is recruiting new members at the Leather Heel. Alarmed, Taren hurries to stop Malina from a making foolish mistake. But instead, she's mistaken for Randi and whisked away by the circuit. As the group moves from one location to the next, Taren is passed around amongst the members, ruthlessly dominated and required to submit to numerous tortures and relentless sex. Though desperate to escape, Taren can't help but feel the extreme pleasures of submission come flooding back, no matter how much she rejects them. Nor can she deny the inexplicable hatred toward her from Hayden, a master on the circuit who seemingly will do anything to make her suffer. A prearranged safeword could win her an early exit. Without that, she'll be forced to remain a slave on the circuit until her term is complete.
Whispers From The Edge
Updated at Nov 20, 2019, 00:30
R.J. has doms for breakfast, lunch and dinner and none can deliver the hard edge style of play that she craves. Spencer comes closest, but one night even when he says enough and offers to introduce her to a dom who might, finally, be the one to satisfy her, R.J. feels rejected. Lashing out, R.J. almost tears apart the SM club she frequents. Banished from the club R.J. meets with a mysterious street peddler and next thing she knows she’s transported to a realm where she is now in a different body, the technology is strange and the slavery is real. Captured and enslaved R.J. becomes a pawn in a dangerous power game between the High Priestess, the Chief Scribe and various other competing factions. Now it’s R.J. who must fight to keep up with the demanding slave training and exacting masters and mistresses, all the while trying to maintain her sanity and get home.An SM fantasy tale that includes slave hunting and training, tight leather and rope bondage, strict gags and hoods, intense interrogations, sexual intrigue and a branding.
The Leather Mask
Updated at Nov 20, 2019, 00:30
When the mysterious mistress Mrs. Smith lures pretty, young Dawn Flynn into the highend BDSM club the Velvet Glove, the unsuspecting novice walks in on a severe punishment session. Terrified she flees. And yet, she can't shake the image of the punished woman from her mind. After a weekend of extreme SM fantasies, she impulsively quits her job and joins the Velvet Glove, exactly as Mrs. Smith planned. With hopes of finding the right Dominant partner, Dawn submits to a rigorous training program. She's 'forced' into a lesbian encounter, is made subservient to the butler Wilson and his rod of discipline, and becomes the entertainment at a social event, suffering rough punishment in front of a crowd of onlookers. During her training she lives in a small bare room and is subjected to attention of a number of masters male and female who teach her about pain, punishment and the total surrender required of her new lifestyle. But when an eager Dawn hears of the itinerant underground SM club, the Leather Mask, and wants to know more, Mrs. Smith flatly refuses to address her questions. She later learns through her Mistress' client Janelle that the Leather Mask is currently open in a nearby location and is enticed to join her. Once there, Dawn submits to an anonymous Dom in an horrific scene that nearly breaks her. The depths of her submission are as disturbing as they are thrilling. On hearing of Dawn's subterfuge, the furious Mrs. Smith has her punished in the Solitude Tank, where suspension and sensory deprivation force this young sub to confront her inner demons. As Dawn's story unfolds, so does that of the enigmatic Mrs. Smith. The woman has her own reasons for enticing Dawn into the world of SM, ones that could have far reaching consequences for Dawn and seriously hamper her own desire to have the D/s relationship she so desires. This intriguing and suspenseful tale combines both the male and female domination of the submissive female.